using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using IotWeb.Server; using IotWeb.Common.Http; using Nibriboard.RippleSpace; using Nibriboard.Client; namespace Nibriboard { /// /// The main Nibriboard server. /// This class manages not only the connected clients, but also holds the master reference to the . /// public class NibriboardServer { private HttpServer httpServer; private ClientSettings clientSettings; private RippleSpaceManager planeManager = new RippleSpaceManager(); public readonly int Port = 31586; public NibriboardServer(int inPort = 31586) { Port = inPort; clientSettings = new ClientSettings() { WebsocketHost = "localhost", WebsocketPort = Port, WebsocketPath = "/RipplespaceLink" }; // HTTP Server setup httpServer = new HttpServer(Port); httpServer.AddHttpRequestHandler( "/", new HttpEmbeddedFileHandler("Nibriboard.ClientFiles") /*new HttpResourceHandler( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "ClientFiles", "index.html" )*/ ); httpServer.AddHttpRequestHandler( "/Settings.json", new HttpClientSettingsHandler(clientSettings) ); // Websocket setup httpServer.AddWebSocketRequestHandler( clientSettings.WebsocketPath, new NibriClientManager(clientSettings) ); } public async Task Start() { httpServer.Start(); Log.WriteLine("[NibriboardServer] Started on port {0}", Port); await planeManager.StartMaintenanceMonkey(); } } }