"use strict"; /** * Constants for the different readyStates that a WebSocket can be in. * @type {Object} */ export const WebSocketStates = { /** * Indicates that the WebSocket is connecting to the remote server. * @type {Number} */ connecting: 0, /** * Indicates that the WebSocket is connected to the remote server and ready to send / receive data. * @type {Number} */ ready: 1, /** * Indicates that the WebSocket is in the process of closing the connection to the remote server. * @type {Number} */ closing: 2, /** * Indicates that hte WebSocket is not connected to the remote server (either because the connection was closed, or dropped by the remote server). * @type {Number} */ closed: 3 }; export const ReverseWebSocketStates = { // The WebSocket is in the process of connecting. 0: "connecting", // The WebSocket is connected and ready to exchange data with the remote server. 1: "ready", // The WebSocket is in the process of closing. 2: "closing", // The WebSocket is closed. 3: "closed" }