"use strict"; window.EventEmitter = require("event-emitter-es6"); class Interface extends EventEmitter { constructor(inSidebar, inDebugDisplay) { super(); this.sidebar = inSidebar; this.debugDisplay = inDebugDisplay; this.brushIndicator = this.sidebar.querySelector(".brush-indicator"); this.setupToolSelectors(); this.setupColourSelectors(); this.setupBrushWidthControls(); this.updateBrushIndicator(); } /** * Sets up the event listeners on the tool selectors. */ setupToolSelectors() { this.currentToolElement = this.sidebar.querySelector(".tools .tool-selector[data-selected]"); this.currentTool = "brush"; var toolSelectors = this.sidebar.querySelectorAll(".tools .tool-selector"); for(let i = 0; i < toolSelectors.length; i++) { toolSelectors[i].addEventListener("mouseup", this.handleSelectTool.bind(this)); toolSelectors[i].addEventListener("touchend", this.handleSelectTool.bind(this)); } } /** * Sets up the event listeners on the colour selectors. */ setupColourSelectors() { this.currentColourElement = this.sidebar.querySelector(".palette .palette-colour[data-selected]"); this.switchColourTo(this.currentColourElement); var colours = this.sidebar.querySelectorAll(".palette .palette-colour"); for (let i = 0; i < colours.length; i++) { colours[i].addEventListener("mouseup", this.handleSelectColour.bind(this)); colours[i].addEventListener("touchend", this.handleSelectColour.bind(this)); } } /** * Sets up the brush width controls */ setupBrushWidthControls() { this.brushWidthElement = this.sidebar.querySelector(".brush-width-controls"); this.currentBrushWidth = parseInt(this.brushWidthElement.value); this.brushWidthElement.addEventListener("input", this.handleBrushWidthChange.bind(this)); } /** * Handles tool changes requested by the user. */ handleSelectTool(event) { delete this.currentToolElement.dataset.selected; this.currentToolElement = event.target; this.currentToolElement.dataset.selected = "yes"; this.currentTool = this.currentToolElement.dataset.toolName; console.info("Selected tool", this.currentTool); this.emit("toolchange", { newTool: this.currentTool }); } /** * Handles colour selection changes requested by the user. */ handleSelectColour(event) { this.switchColourTo(event.target); } /** * Switches the current colour out to be the colour held by the specified * colour palette element. * @param {HTMLElement} paletteElement The colour palette element to switch to. */ switchColourTo(paletteElement) { delete this.currentColourElement.dataset.selected; this.currentColourElement = paletteElement; this.currentColourElement.dataset.selected = "yes"; this.currentColour = this.currentColourElement.style.backgroundColor; this.updateBrushIndicator(); console.info("Selected colour", this.currentColour); this.emit("colourchange", { newColour: this.currentColour }); } seekColour(direction = "forwards") { var newPaletteElement = null; if(direction == "forwards") newPaletteElement = this.currentColourElement.nextElementSibling || this.currentColourElement.parentElement.firstElementChild; else if(direction == "backwards") newPaletteElement = this.currentColourElement.previousElementSibling || this.currentColourElement.parentElement.lastElementChild; else throw new Error(`Unknown direction ${direction} when switching colour!`); this.switchColourTo(newPaletteElement); } /** * Handles brush widdth changes requested by the user */ handleBrushWidthChange(event) { // Update the brush width, but don't update the interface, since that's where we got the new value from :P this.updateBrushWidth(parseInt(event.target.value, false)); } /** * Sets the brush width to the specified value, updating everyone else * on the change. * @param {number} newWidth The new width of the brush. */ updateBrushWidth(newWidth, updateInterface = true) { // Clamp the new width to make sure it's in-bounds if(newWidth < 1) newWidth = 1; if(newWidth > parseInt(this.brushWidthElement.max)) newWidth = parseInt(this.brushWidthElement.max); this.currentBrushWidth = newWidth; // Store the new value if(updateInterface) this.brushWidthElement.value = newWidth; // Update the interface // Update the brush indicator this.updateBrushIndicator(); // Emit the brush width change event this.emit("brushwidthchange", { newWidth: this.currentBrushWidth }); } updateBrushIndicator() { // The brush indicator is zoom-agnostic (for the moment, at least) this.brushIndicator.style.width = `${this.currentBrushWidth}px`; this.brushIndicator.style.height = this.brushIndicator.style.width; this.brushIndicator.style.backgroundColor = this.currentColour; } /** * Sets the displayed connection status. * @param {bool} newStatus The new connection status to display. true = connected - false = disconnected. */ setConnectedStatus(newStatus) { if(newStatus) this.sidebar.querySelector(".connection-indicator").dataset.connected = "yes"; else delete this.sidebar.querySelector(".connection-indicator").dataset.connected; } /** * Fetches our colour from the ui. */ get OurColour() { return this.sidebar.querySelector(".name").style.borderTopColor; } /** * Sets the colour displayed just above the name * @param {HTMLColour} newColour The new colour to display jsut above the * name in the sidebar. */ set OurColour(newColour) { this.sidebar.querySelector(".name").style.borderTopColor = newColour; } /** * Updates the username displayed. * @param {string} newName The new name to display inthe sidebar. */ updateDisplayedName(newName) { this.sidebar.querySelector(".name").innerHTML = newName; } updateDebugInfo(boardWindow) { this.debugDisplay.querySelector("#debug-viewport").value = boardWindow.viewport; } } export default Interface;