local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core --- Interpolates between the 2 given points -- @param a Vector3|number The starting point. -- @param b Vector3|number The ending point. -- @param time number The percentage between 0 and 1 to interpolate to. -- @returns Vector3|number The interpolated point. local function linear_interpolate(a, b, time) return ((b - a) * time) + a end --- Chaikin curve smoothing implementation. -- This algorithm works by taking a list of points that define a segmented line, -- and then interpolating between them to smooth the line. -- @source Ported from https://git.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/sbrl-GitLab/Chaikin-Generator/src/branch/master/ChaikinGenerator/ChaikinCurve.cs -- @param arr_pos Vector3[] A list of points to interpolate. -- @param steps number The number of interpolatioon passes to do. -- @returns Vector3[] A (longer) list of interpolated points. local function chaikin(arr_pos, steps) print("DEBUG:chaikin START", wea_c.inspect(arr_pos)) local result = wea_c.table.shallowcopy(arr_pos) local pos_start = result[1] local pos_end = result[#result] for pass = 1, steps do local result_nextpass = {} -- local offset = 0 for i = 1,#result-1,1 do local pos_cur = result[i] local pos_next = result[i+1] print("DEBUG:chaikin SUBSTEP i", i, "pos_cur", pos_cur, "pos_next", pos_next) table.insert(result_nextpass, linear_interpolate(pos_cur, pos_next, 0.25)) table.insert(result_nextpass, linear_interpolate(pos_cur, pos_next, 0.75)) -- result[i+offset] = linear_interpolate(pos_cur, pos_next, 0.25) -- table.insert(result, i+1+offset, linear_interpolate(pos_cur, pos_next, 0.75)) -- offset = offset + 1 end -- table.remove(result, #result-1) -- In the original, but I don't know why result = result_nextpass -- Keep the starting & ending positions the same result[1] = pos_start result[#result] = pos_end print("DEBUG:chakin STEP", wea_c.inspect(result)) end return result end return { chaikin = chaikin, linear_interpolate = linear_interpolate }