local makeset = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.table.makeset") describe("table.makeset", function() it("should work with a single item", function() local result = makeset({ "apples" }) assert.are.same( { apples = true }, result ) end) it("should work with 2 items", function() local result = makeset({ "apples", "orange" }) assert.are.same( { apples = true, orange = true }, result ) end) it("should work with duplicate items", function() local result = makeset({ "apples", "apples" }) assert.are.same( { apples = true }, result ) end) it("should work with duplicate items and non-duplicate items", function() local result = makeset({ "apples", "oranges", "apples" }) assert.are.same( { apples = true, oranges = true }, result ) end) end)