local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core --- Makes a human-readable table of data. -- Data should be a 2D array - i.e. a table of tables. The nested tables should -- contain a list of items for a single row. -- If total is specified, then a grand total is printed at the bottom - this is -- useful when you want to print a node list. -- @param data table[] A table of tables. Each subtable is a single row of the tabulated output. -- @returns string The input table of tables formatted into a nice ASCII table. local function format_make_ascii_table(data) local extra_padding = 2 local result = {} local max_lengths = {} for y = 1, #data, 1 do for x = 1, #data[y], 1 do if not max_lengths[x] then max_lengths[x] = 0 end max_lengths[x] = math.max(max_lengths[x], #tostring(data[y][x]) + extra_padding) end end for _key, row in ipairs(data) do local row_result = {} for i = 1, #row, 1 do row_result[#row_result + 1] = wea_c.str_padend(tostring(row[i]), max_lengths[i], " ") end result[#result+1] = table.concat(row_result, "") end -- TODO: Add multi-column support here return table.concat(result, "\n") end return format_make_ascii_table