local apply = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.table.table_apply") describe("table.makeset", function() it("should work", function() local source = { apples = 4 } local target = { oranges = 3 } apply(source, target) assert.are.same( { apples = 4, oranges = 3 }, target ) end) it("should overwrite values in target", function() local source = { apples = 4 } local target = { apples = 3 } apply(source, target) assert.are.same( { apples = 4 }, target ) end) it("should work with strings", function() local source = { apples = "4" } local target = { oranges = "3" } apply(source, target) assert.are.same( { apples = "4", oranges = "3" }, target ) end) it("should overwrite values in target with strings", function() local source = { apples = "4" } local target = { apples = "3" } apply(source, target) assert.are.same( { apples = "4" }, target ) end) end)