--- Parses a chance value, and returns the 1-in-N value thereof. -- @param str string The string to parse. -- @param mode string The operation mode. Valid modes: "1-in-n" (default), "weight". "1-in-n" refers to a 1-in-N chance of something happening (lower numbers mean greater likelihood). "weight", on the other hand, is instead a weighting that something will happen (higher numbers mean a greater likelihood). -- @returns number|nil The 1-in-N chance if parsing was successful, otherwise nil. local function parse_chance(str, mode) if not mode then mode = "1-in-n" end if tonumber(str) ~= nil then return tonumber(str) end if str:sub(#str) == "%" then local result = tonumber(str:sub(1, #str-1)) if not result then return nil end if mode == "weight" then result = 100 - result end return 1 / (result / 100) -- Convert percentage to 1-in-N chance end return nil end return parse_chance