# WorldEditAdditions Cookbook This file contains a number of useful commands that WorldEditAdditions users have discovered and found useful. They do not necessarily have to contain _WorldEditAdditions_ commands - pure _WorldEdit_ commands are fine too. See also: - [Quick Command Reference](https://github.com/sbrl/Minetest-WorldEditAdditions/tree/master#quick-command-reference) - [WorldEditAdditions Detailed Chat Command Explanations](https://github.com/sbrl/Minetest-WorldEditAdditions/blob/master/Chat-Command-Reference.md) - [WorldEdit Chat Command Reference](https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit/blob/master/ChatCommands.md) ## Fix lighting ``` //multi //1 //2 //outset 50 //fixlight //y ``` As a brush: ``` //brush cubeapply 50 fixlight ``` ## Terrain editing The following brushes together can make large-scale terrain sculpting easy: ``` //brush cubeapply 25 set stone //brush ellipsoid 11 9 11 stone //brush sphere 5 stone //brush cubeapply 50 fillcaves stone //brush cubeapply 30 50 30 conv //brush cubeapply 50 conv //brush sphere 5 air //brush cubeapply 50 fixlight //brush cubeapply 50 layers dirt_with_grass dirt 3 stone 10 ``` ## En-mass Foliage clearing Clearing large amounts of foliage is easy! ``` //many 25 //multi //clearcut //y //shift x 10 ``` Adjust the numbers (and direction in the `//shift` command) to match your scenario. ## Flower Field Make a flower field with no grass. ``` //overlay air 20 flowers:geranium 1 ``` Adjust the air value to change flower density. ``` //overlay air 80 flowers:rose 1 flowers:tulip 1 flowers:dandelion_yellow 1 flowers:chrysanthemum_green 1 flowers:geranium 1 flowers:viola 1 flowers:dandelion_white 1 flowers:tulip_black 1 ``` When working with many types of flowers the air values need to be higher to compensate. The best equation for the air value that I've found is `<desired spacing> * <sum of flower probabilities>`. ## Grass Field Make a grass field ``` //overlay air 36 default:grass_2 2 default:grass_3 2 default:grass_4 1 default:grass_5 1 ``` Adjust the air value to change grass density. As with flower field the best equation for the air value is `<desired spacing> * <sum of flower probabilities>`.