local wea = worldeditadditions --- -- @module worldeditadditions.sculpt --- Makes a sculpting brush that is as close to a target size as possible. -- @param brush_name string The name of the brush to create. -- @param target_size Vector3 The target size of the brush to create. -- @returns true,table,Vector3|false,string If the operation was successful, true followed by the brush in a 1D ZERO-indexed table followed by the actual size of the brush as a Vector3 (x & y components used only). If the operation was not successful, false and an error message string is returned instead. local function make_brush(brush_name, target_size) if brush_name == "default" then brush_name = "circle_soft1" end if not wea.sculpt.brushes[brush_name] then return false, "Error: That brush does not exist. Try using //sculptbrushes to list all available sculpting brushes." end local brush_def = wea.sculpt.brushes[brush_name] local success, brush, size_actual if type(brush_def) == "function" then success, brush, size_actual = brush_def(target_size) if not success then return success, brush end else brush = brush_def.brush size_actual = brush_def.size end return true, brush, size_actual end return make_brush