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(Supports axis clumping) -- For example, "zzy" would become "yz" -- @param: str: String: Axis declaration to parse -- @returns: Table|Bool: axis | axes | false function parse.axis(str) local axes, ret = {"x","y","z"}, {} for i,v in ipairs(axes) do if str:match(v) then table.insert(ret,v) end end if #ret > 0 and str:match("^[xyz]+$") then return ret elseif str == "h" then return {"x", "z"} elseif str == "v" then return {"y"} else return false end end --- Processes an number from a string. -- @param: str: String: string to parse -- @returns: Number|Bool: processed number | false function parse.num(str) str = tostring(str) -- To prevent meltdown if str isn't a string local num = str:match("^-?%d+%.?%d*$") if num then return tonumber(num) else return false end end --- Checks if a string is a valid Unified Axis Keyword. (Supports axis clumping) -- @param: str: String: Keyword instance to parse -- @returns: Key Instance: returns keyword type, processed keyword content and signed number (or nil) function parse.keyword(str) if type(str) ~= "string" then return "err", "Error: \""..tostring(str).."\" is not a string.", 404 elseif keywords.compass[str] then str = keywords.compass[str] end local sign = 1 if str:sub(1,1) == "-" then sign = -1 str = str:sub(2) end local axes = parse.axis(str) if axes then return "axis", axes, sign elseif keywords.dir[str] then return "dir", keywords.dir[str], sign elseif keywords.mirroring[str] then return "rev", "mirroring" else return "err", "Error: \""..str.."\" is not a valid axis, direction or keyword.", 422 end end --- Creates a vector with a length of (@param: value * @param: sign) -- on each axis in @param: axes. -- @param: axes: Table: List of axes to set -- @param: value: Number: length of to set axes -- @param: sign: Number: sign multiplier for axes -- @returns: Vector3: processed vector function parse.vectorize(axes,value,sign) local ret = Vector3.new() for i,v in ipairs(axes) do ret[v] = value * sign end return ret end --- Converts Unified Axis Keyword table into Vector3 instances. -- @param: tbl: Table: Keyword table to parse -- @param: facing: Table: Output from worldeditadditions_core.player_dir(name) -- @param: sum: Bool | String | nil: Return a single vector by summing the 2 output vectors together -- @returns: Vector3, [Vector3]: returns min, max Vector3s or sum Vector3 (if @param: sum ~= nil) -- if error: @returns: false, String: error message function parse.keytable(tbl, facing, sum) local min, max = Vector3.new(), Vector3.new() local expected = 1 local tmp = {axes = {}, num = 0, sign = 1, mirror = false} function tmp:reset() self.axis, self.sign = "", 1 end --- Processes a number and adds it to the min and max vectors. -- @param num The number to process. -- @param axes The axes to apply the number to. -- @param sign The sign of the number. local function parseNumber(num, axes, sign) if num * sign >= 0 then max = max:add(parse.vectorize(axes, num, sign)) else min = min:add(parse.vectorize(axes, num, sign)) end end for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do if v:sub(1, 1) == "+" then v = v:sub(2) end tmp.num = parse.num(v) if expected == 1 then if tmp.num then parseNumber(tmp.num, {"x", "y", "z"}, tmp.sign) else local key_type, key_entry, key_sign = parse.keyword(v) if key_type == "axis" then tmp.axes = key_entry tmp.sign = key_sign elseif key_type == "dir" then tmp.axes = {facing[key_entry].axis} tmp.sign = facing[key_entry].sign * key_sign elseif key_type == "rev" then tmp.mirror = true else return false, key_entry end expected = 2 end else if tmp.num then parseNumber(tmp.num, tmp.axes, tmp.sign) expected = 1 else return false, "Error: Expected number after \""..tostring(tbl[i-1]).."\". Got \""..tostring(v).."\"." end end end if tmp.mirror and not sum then max = max:max(min:abs()) min = max:multiply(-1) end if sum then return min:add(max) else return min, max end end return { keyword = parse.keyword, keytable = parse.keytable, }