local polyfill = require("worldeditadditions.utils.strings.polyfill") describe("str_padstart", function() it("should pad a string", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("test", 5, " "), " test" ) end) it("should pad a different string", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("yay", 4, " "), " yay" ) end) it("should pad a string with multiple characters", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("test", 10, " "), " test" ) end) it("should not pad a long string", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("testtest", 5, " "), "testtest" ) end) it("should pad with other characters", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("1", 2, "0"), "01" ) end) it("should pad with multiple other characters", function() assert.are.equal( polyfill.str_padstart("1", 5, "0"), "00001" ) end) end)