minetest.register_chatcommand("/saplingaliases", { params = "[aliases|all_saplings]", description = "Lists all the currently registered sapling aliases (default). A single argument is taken as the mode of operation. Current modes: aliases (default; as described previously), all_saplings (lists all node names with the group \"sapling\")", privs = { worldedit = true }, func = function(name, params_text) if name == nil then return end if params_text == "" or not params_text then params_text = "aliases" end local msg = {} if params_text == "aliases" then table.insert(msg, "Currently registered aliases:\n") local aliases = worldeditadditions.get_all_sapling_aliases() local display = {} for node_name, alias in pairs(aliases) do table.insert(display, { node_name, alias }) end table.insert(msg, worldeditadditions.make_ascii_table(display)) elseif params_text == "all_saplings" then local results = worldeditadditions.registered_nodes_by_group("sapling") table.insert(msg, "Sapling-like nodes:\n") local str = table.concat(results, "\n") print(str) table.insert(msg, str) else table.insert(msg, "Unknown mode '") table.insert(msg, params_text) table.insert(msg, "' (valid modes: aliases, all_saplings).") end worldedit.player_notify(name, table.concat(msg)) end })