local wea = worldeditadditions local Vector3 = wea.Vector3 local parse_static = dofile(wea.modpath.."/lib/sculpt/parse_static.lua") --- Reads and parses the brush stored in the specified file. -- @param filepath string The path to file that contains the static brush to read in. -- @returns true,table,Vector3|false,string A success boolean, followed either by an error message as a string or the brush (as a table) and it's size (as an X/Y Vector3) return function(filepath) local handle = io.open(filepath) if not handle then handle:close() return false, "Error: Failed to open the static brush file at '"..filepath.."'." end local data = handle:read("*all") handle:close() local success, brush, brush_size = parse_static(data) if not success then return success, brush end return true, brush, brush_size end