local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local v3 = worldeditadditions_core.Vector3 --- -- @module worldeditadditions_core --- Returns the player's position (at leg level). -- @param name string The name of the player to return facing direction of. -- @return vector Returns position. function wea_c.player_vector(name) return v3.clone(minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_pos()) end --- Returns the player's facing info including relative DIRs. -- @param name string The name of the player to return facing direction of. -- @returns table(vector3+) xyz raw values and {axis,sign} tables for facing direction and relative direction keys (front, back, left, right, up, down). function wea_c.player_dir(name) local dir = v3.clone(minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_look_dir()) local abs = dir:abs() -- Facing info if abs.x > abs.z then dir.facing = {axis="x",sign=wea_c.getsign(dir.x)} else dir.facing = {axis="z",sign=wea_c.getsign(dir.z)} end -- Set front and back dir.front = dir.facing dir.back = {axis=dir.facing.axis,sign=dir.facing.sign*-1} -- Set left and right if dir.facing.axis == "x" then dir.left = {axis="z", sign=dir.facing.sign} else dir.left = {axis="x", sign=dir.facing.sign*-1} end dir.right = {axis=dir.left.axis,sign=dir.left.sign*-1} -- Set up and down dir.up = {axis="y",sign=1} dir.down = {axis="y",sign=-1} return dir end -- /lua print(Vector3.clone(minetest.get_player_by_name(myname):get_look_dir())) --- DEPRECATED ================================================================= -- TODO: Refactor commands that use the following functions to use player_dir then delete these functions --- Returns the player's facing direction on the horizontal axes only. -- @deprecated Use wea_c.player_dir instead. -- @param name string The name of the player to return facing direction of. -- @return string,int Returns axis name and sign multiplier. function wea_c.player_axis2d(name) -- minetest.get_player_by_name("singleplayer"): local dir = minetest.get_player_by_name(name):get_look_dir() local x, z= math.abs(dir.x), math.abs(dir.z) if x > z then return "x", dir.x > 0 and 1 or -1 else return "z", dir.z > 0 and 1 or -1 end end --- Returns the axis and sign of the axis to the left of the input axis. -- @deprecated Use wea_c.player_dir instead. -- @param axis string x or z. -- @param sign int Sign multiplier. -- @return string,int Returns axis name and sign multiplier. function wea_c.axis_left(axis,sign) if not axis:match("[xz]") then return false, "Error: Not a horizontal axis!" elseif axis == "x" then return true, "z", sign else return true, "x", -sign end end --- Dehumanize Direction: translates up, down, left, right, front, into xyz based on player orientation. -- @deprecated Use wea_c.player_dir instead. -- @param name string The name of the player to return facing direction of. -- @param dir string Relative direction to translate. -- @return string Returns axis name and sign multiplier. function wea_c.dir_to_xyz(name, dir) local axfac, drfac = wea_c.player_axis2d(name) local _, axlft, drlft = wea_c.axis_left(axfac,drfac) if dir:match("front") or dir:match("back") then return axfac, dir:match("front") and drfac or -drfac elseif dir:match("left") or dir:match("right") then return axlft, dir:match("left") and drlft or -drlft elseif dir:match("up") or dir:match("down") then return "y", dir == "down" and -1 or 1 else return false, "\"" .. dir .. "\" not a recognized direction! Try: (up | down | left | right | front | back)" end end