local wea = worldeditadditions local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 -- Test command: //multi //fp set1 1313 6 5540 //fp set2 1338 17 5521 //erode snowballs local function snowball(heightmap, normalmap, heightmap_size, startpos, params) local sediment = 0 local pos = Vector3.new(startpos.x, 0, startpos.z) -- X/Z local pos_prev = Vector3.new(pos.x, 0, pos.z) -- X/Z local velocity = Vector3.new( (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.init_velocity, 0, (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.init_velocity ) -- X/Z local heightmap_length = #heightmap -- print("[snowball] startpos ("..pos.x..", "..pos.z.."), velocity: ("..velocity.x..", "..velocity.z..")") local hist_velocity = {} for i = 1, params.max_steps do local x = pos.x local z = pos.z local hi = math.floor(z+0.5)*heightmap_size.x + math.floor(x+0.5) -- Stop if we go out of bounds if x < 0 or z < 0 or x >= heightmap_size.x-1 or z >= heightmap_size.z-1 then -- print("[snowball] hit edge; stopping at ("..x..", "..z.."), (bounds @ "..(heightmap_size.x-1)..", "..(heightmap_size.z-1)..")", "x", x, "/", heightmap_size.x-1, "z", z, "/", heightmap_size.z-1) return true, i end if #hist_velocity > 0 and i > 5 and wea_c.average(hist_velocity) < 0.03 then -- print("[snowball] It looks like we've stopped") return true, i end if normalmap[hi].y == 1 then return true, i end if hi > heightmap_length then return false, "Out-of-bounds on the array, hi: "..hi..", heightmap_length: "..heightmap_length end -- NOTE: We need to decide whether we want to keep the precomputed normals as we have now, or whether we want to dynamically compute them at the time of request. -- print("[snowball] sediment", sediment, "rate_deposit", params.rate_deposit, "normalmap[hi].z", normalmap[hi].z) local step_deposit = sediment * params.rate_deposit * normalmap[hi].z local step_erode = params.rate_erosion * (1 - normalmap[hi].z) * math.min(1, i*params.scale_iterations) -- Erode / Deposit, but only if we are on a different node than we were in the last step if math.floor(pos_prev.x) ~= math.floor(x) and math.floor(pos_prev.z) ~= math.floor(z) then heightmap[hi] = heightmap[hi] + (step_deposit - step_erode) end velocity.x = params.friction * velocity.x + normalmap[hi].x * params.speed velocity.y = 0 -- Just in case velocity.z = params.friction * velocity.z + normalmap[hi].y * params.speed -- print("[snowball] now at ("..x..", "..z..") velocity "..wea.vector.lengthsquared(velocity)..", sediment "..sediment) local new_vel_sq = velocity:length_squared() if new_vel_sq > 1 then -- print("[snowball] velocity squared over 1, normalising") velocity = velocity:normalise() end table.insert(hist_velocity, new_vel_sq) if #hist_velocity > params.velocity_hist_count then table.remove(hist_velocity, 1) end pos_prev.x = x pos_prev.z = z pos.x = pos.x + velocity.x pos.z = pos.z + velocity.z sediment = sediment + (step_erode - step_deposit) -- Needs to be erosion - deposit, which is the opposite to the above end return true, params.max_steps end --[[ 2D erosion algorithm based on snowballs Note that this *mutates* the given heightmap. @source https://jobtalle.com/simulating_hydraulic_erosion.html ]]-- function wea.erode.snowballs(heightmap_initial, heightmap, heightmap_size, region_height, params_custom) local params = { rate_deposit = 0.03, -- 0.03 rate_erosion = 0.04, -- 0.04 friction = 0.07, speed = 1, max_steps = 80, velocity_hist_count = 3, init_velocity = 0.25, scale_iterations = 0.04, maxdiff = 0.4, count = 25000 } -- Apply the custom settings wea_c.table.apply(params_custom, params) -- print("[erode/snowballs] params: ") -- print(wea_c.format.map(params)) local normals = wea_c.terrain.calculate_normals(heightmap, heightmap_size) local stats_steps = {} for i = 1, params.count do -- print("[snowballs] starting snowball ", i) local success, steps = snowball( heightmap, normals, heightmap_size, { x = math.random() * (heightmap_size.x - 1), z = math.random() * (heightmap_size.z - 1) }, params ) table.insert(stats_steps, steps) if not success then return false, "Error: Failed at snowball "..i..":"..steps end end -- print("[snowballs] "..#stats_steps.." snowballs simulated, max "..params.max_steps.." steps, averaged ~"..wea.average(stats_steps).."") -- Round everything to the nearest int, since you can't really have -- something like .141592671 of a node -- Note that we do this after *all* the erosion is complete local clamp_limit = math.floor(region_height * params.maxdiff + 0.5) for i,v in ipairs(heightmap) do heightmap[i] = math.floor(heightmap[i] + 0.5) if heightmap[i] < 0 then heightmap[i] = 0 end -- Limit the distance to params.maxdiff% of the region height if math.abs(heightmap_initial[i] - heightmap[i]) > region_height * params.maxdiff then if heightmap_initial[i] - heightmap[i] > 0 then heightmap[i] = heightmap_initial[i] - clamp_limit else heightmap[i] = heightmap_initial[i] + clamp_limit end end end if not params.noconv then local success, matrix = wea.get_conv_kernel("gaussian", 3, 3) if not success then return success, matrix end local matrix_size = Vector3.new(3, 0, 3) wea.conv.convolve( heightmap, heightmap_size, matrix, matrix_size ) end return true, ""..#stats_steps.." snowballs simulated, max "..params.max_steps.." steps (averaged ~"..wea_c.average(stats_steps).." steps)" end