--- layout: content-generic.njk title: Tutorial tags: navigable date: 2004-01-01 --- # WorldEditAdditions Beginner's Tutorial Welcome to the WorldEditAdditions beginners tutorial! There are a number of conventions used in the [chat command reference](/Reference) that may not be immediately obvious - this guide serves to explain in detail. It is assumed that: - You are already familiar the basics of [Minetest](https://www.minetest.net/) (try the [tutorial game](https://content.minetest.net/packages/Wuzzy/tutorial/) if you're unsure) - You have both WorldEdit and WorldEditAdditions installed (see the [Download](/#download) section) Minetest supports the execution of _Chat Commands_ to manipulate the Minetest world. While in a Minetest world, simply type `/help` (the first forward slash `/` will automatically cause the chat window to appear) and hit enter to display a list of chat commands that are currently registered grouped by mod for example. WorldEdit commands are, by convention, prefixed with an additional forward slash `/`. Here are some examples of WorldEdit chat commands: ``` //1 //2 //set dirt ``` Explaining core WorldEdit commands is out of scope of this tutorial, but you can find a complete list of them here: . The purpose of _WorldEditAdditions_ is to extend _WorldEdit_ by adding additional commands. Example commands that have been implemented that are not present in core _WorldEdit_ include (but certainly aren't limited to): - [`//maze`](/Reference/#maze-replace_node-path_length-path_width-seed): Create instant mazes - [`//forest`](/Reference/#forest-density-sapling_a-chance_a-sapling_b-chance_b-sapling_n-chance_n-): Plant forests - [`//torus`](http://localhost:8080/Reference/#torus-major_radius-minor_radius-node_name-axesxy-hollow): Generate [torus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus) shapes - [`//scale`](/Reference/#scale-axis-scale_factor-factor_x-factor_y-factor_z-anchor_x-anchor_y-anchor_z): Scale things up and down - even both at the same time! See a full list with complete explanations in the [chat command reference](/Reference). ## Regions WorldEdit allows you to define a _region_ by specifying 2 points in the world - we number these points 1 and 2. By using the WorldEdit wand (or WorldEditAdditions Far Wand), one can left click to set the position of point 1, and right click to set point 2: {% image "images/tutorial_pos1_2.jpeg" "A screenshot showing WorldEdit points 1 and 2 in a desert with a cactus" %} Point 1 is on the cactus, and point 2 is on the ground in the bottom left. Most WorldEdit and WorldEditAdditions commands require either 1 or 2 points to be set in order to work. - If 1 point is required, it's the origin point used by the command - If 2 points are required, the defined region specifies the area in which the command is operate ## Command syntax - Command syntax conventions: - `` - `a|b` - `[optional_thing]` - `` ## Anything else? - Make sure we have covered everything ## Advanced Concepts - Memory usage - Meta commands - Other things?