local split_shell = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.strings.split_shell") describe("split_shell", function() it("should handle a single case x3", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "yay", "yay" }, split_shell("yay yay yay") ) end) it("should handle double quotes simple", function() assert.are.same( { "dirt", "snow block" }, split_shell("dirt \"snow block\"") ) end) it("should handle an escaped double quote inside double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "yay\" yay", "yay" }, split_shell("yay \"yay\\\" yay\" yay") ) end) it("should handle single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "yay", "yay" }, split_shell("yay 'yay' yay") ) end) it("should handle single quotes again", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "inside quotes", "another" }, split_shell("yay 'inside quotes' another") ) end) it("should handle single quotes inside double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "yay 'inside quotes' yay", "yay" }, split_shell("yay \"yay 'inside quotes' yay\" yay") ) end) it("should handle single quotes and an escaped double quote inside double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "yay", "yay 'inside quotes' yay\"", "yay" }, split_shell("yay \"yay 'inside quotes' yay\\\"\" yay") ) end) it("should handle a complex case", function() assert.are.same( { "y\"ay", "yay 'in\"side quotes' yay", "y\"ay" }, split_shell("y\"ay \"yay 'in\\\"side quotes' yay\" y\\\"ay") ) end) it("should handle a subtly different complex case", function() assert.are.same( { "y\"ay", "yay", "in\"side quotes", "yay", "y\"ay" }, split_shell("y\"ay yay 'in\\\"side quotes' yay y\\\"ay") ) end) it("should handle redundant double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "cake" }, split_shell("\"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle redundant double quotes multi", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "cake", "cake" }, split_shell("\"cake\" \"cake\" \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle redundant single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "cake" }, split_shell("'cake'") ) end) it("should handle redundant single quotes multi", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "cake", "cake" }, split_shell("'cake' 'cake' 'cake'") ) end) it("should handle redundant double and single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "cake", "cake" }, split_shell("'cake' \"cake\" 'cake'") ) end) it("should handle redundant double and single quotes opposite", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "cake", "cake" }, split_shell("\"cake\" 'cake' \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle a random backslash single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "ca\\ke" }, split_shell("\"cake\" 'ca\\ke'") ) end) it("should handle a random backslash double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "ca\\ke" }, split_shell("\"cake\" \"ca\\ke\"") ) end) it("should handle a backslash after double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "\\cake", "cake" }, split_shell("\"\\cake\" \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle a double backslash before double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "\\\"cake\"", "cake" }, split_shell("\\\\\"cake\" \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle a single backslash before double quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "\"cake\"", "cake" }, split_shell("\\\"cake\" \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle a double backslash before single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "\\'cake'", "cake" }, split_shell("\\\\'cake' 'cake'") ) end) it("should handle a single backslash before single quotes", function() assert.are.same( { "\"cake\"", "cake" }, split_shell("\\\"cake\" \"cake\"") ) end) it("should handle redundant double and single quotes again", function() assert.are.same( { "cake", "cake", "cake", "is", "a", "li\\e" }, split_shell("\"cake\" 'cake' \"cake\" is a \"li\\e\"") ) end) end)