worldeditadditions.conv = {} dofile(worldeditadditions.modpath.."/lib/conv/kernels.lua") dofile(worldeditadditions.modpath.."/lib/conv/kernel_gaussian.lua") dofile(worldeditadditions.modpath.."/lib/conv/convolve.lua") --- Creates a new kernel. -- Note that the gaussian kernel only allows for creating a square kernel. -- arg is only used by the gaussian kernel as the sigma value (default: 2) -- @param name string The name of the kernel to create (possible values: box, pascal, gaussian). -- @param width number The width of the kernel to create (must be an odd integer). -- @param height number The height of the kernel to create (must be an odd integer). -- @param arg number The argument to pass when creating the kernel. Currently only used by gaussian kernel as the sigma value. function worldeditadditions.get_conv_kernel(name, width, height, arg) if width % 2 ~= 1 then return false, "Error: The width must be an odd integer."; end if height % 2 ~= 1 then return false, "Error: The height must be an odd integer"; end if name == "box" then return true, worldeditadditions.conv.kernel_box(width, height) elseif name == "pascal" then return true, worldeditadditions.conv.kernel_pascal(width, height, true) elseif name == "gaussian" then if width ~= height then return false, "Error: When using a gaussian kernel the width and height must be identical." end -- Default to sigma = 2 if arg == nil then arg = 2 end local success, result = worldeditadditions.conv.kernel_gaussian(width, arg) return success, result end return false, "Error: Unknown kernel. Valid values: box, pascal, gaussian" end function worldeditadditions.convolve(pos1, pos2, kernel, kernel_size) pos1, pos2 = worldedit.sort_pos(pos1, pos2) local border_size = {} border_size[0] = (kernel_size[0]-1) / 2 -- height border_size[1] = (kernel_size[1]-1) / 2 -- width pos1.z = pos1.z - border_size[0] pos2.z = pos2.z + border_size[0] pos1.x = pos1.x - border_size[1] pos2.x = pos2.x + border_size[1] local manip, area = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(pos1, pos2) local data = manip:get_data() local stats = { added = 0, removed = 0 } local node_id_air = minetest.get_content_id("air") local heightmap, heightmap_size = worldeditadditions.make_heightmap(pos1, pos2, manip, area, data) local heightmap_conv = worldeditadditions.shallowcopy(heightmap) worldeditadditions.conv.convolve( heightmap_conv, heightmap_size, kernel, kernel_size ) -- print("original") -- worldeditadditions.format.array_2d(heightmap, (pos2.z - pos1.z) + 1) -- print("transformed") -- worldeditadditions.format.array_2d(heightmap_conv, (pos2.z - pos1.z) + 1) worldeditadditions.apply_heightmap_changes( pos1, pos2, area, data, heightmap, heightmap_conv, heightmap_size ) worldedit.manip_helpers.finish(manip, data) return true, stats end