local wea = worldeditadditions local Vector3 = wea.Vector3 -- ██████ ██████ ███ ███ ███████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ████ ██ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ ██ █████ -- ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ -- ██████ ██████ ██ ██ ███████ worldedit.register_command("metaballs", { params = "add | remove | list | render [] | clear", description = "Defines and creates metaballs. After using the add subcommand to define 1 or more metaballs (uses pos1), the render subcommand can then be used to create the metaballs as nodes.", privs = { worldedit = true }, require_pos = 1, parse = function(params_text) if not params_text then params_text = "" end local parts = wea.split_shell(params_text) if #parts < 1 then return false, "Error: Not enough arguments (see /help /dome for usage information)." end local subcommand = parts[1] local subargs = {} if subcommand == "delete" then subcommand = "remove" end if subcommand == "deleteall" then subcommand = "clear" end if subcommand == "append" then subcommand = "add" end if subcommand == "list" then subcommand = "list" end if subcommand == "make" then subcommand = "render" end if subcommand == "generate" then subcommand = "render" end if subcommand == "create" then subcommand = "render" end if subcommand == "add" then local radius = tonumber(parts[2]) if not radius then return false, "Error: Invalid radius '"..parts[1].."'. The radius must be a positive integer." end if radius < 1 then return false, "Error: The minimum radius size is 1, but you entered "..tostring(radius).."." end table.insert(subargs, radius) elseif subcommand == "remove" then local index = tonumber(parts[2]) if not index then return false, "Error: Invalid index '"..parts[1].."'. The index to remove must be a positive integer." end if index < 1 then return false, "Error: The minimum index size is 1, but you entered "..tostring(index).."." end table.insert(subargs, index) elseif subcommand == "render" then local replace_node = worldedit.normalize_nodename(parts[2]) local threshold = 1 if not replace_node then return false, "Error: Invalid replace_node '"..parts[2].."'." end if #parts >= 3 then threshold = tonumber(parts[3]) if not threshold then return false, "Error: The threshold value must be a valid number (a floating-point number is ok)." end end table.insert(subargs, replace_node) table.insert(subargs, threshold) elseif subcommand ~= "list" and subcommand ~= "clear" then return false, "Error: Unknown subcommand '"..parts[1].."'." end return true, subcommand, subargs end, nodes_needed = function(name, subcommand) if subcommand == "render" then return worldedit.volume(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]) else return 0 end end, func = function(name, subcommand, subargs) local start_time = wea.get_ms_time() local message = "" local append_time = true if subcommand == "list" then local success, list = wea.metaballs.list_pretty(name) if not success then return success, list end message = list append_time = false elseif subcommand == "clear" then local success, metaballs_cleared = wea.metaballs.clear(name) if not success then return success, metaballs_cleared end message = tostring(metaballs_cleared).." cleared" elseif subcommand == "remove" then local index = subargs[1] local success, metaballs_count = wea.metaballs.remove(name, index) if not success then return success, metaballs_count end message = "metaball at index "..tostring(index).." removed - "..metaballs_count.." metaballs remain" elseif subcommand == "add" then local pos = Vector3.clone(worldedit.pos1[name]) local radius = subargs[1] local success, metaballs_count = wea.metaballs.add(name, pos, radius) if not success then return success, metaballs_count end message = "added metaball at "..pos.." with radius "..tostring(radius).." - "..metaballs_count.." metaballs are now defined" elseif subcommand == "render" then local replace_node = subargs[1] local threshold = subargs[2] local success, metaballs = wea.metaballs.list(name) if not success then return success, metaballs end if #metaballs < 2 then return false, "Error: At least 2 metaballs must be defined to render them." end local success2, nodes_replaced = wea.metaballs.render(metaballs, replace_node, threshold) if not success2 then return success2, nodes_replaced end message = nodes_replaced.." nodes replaced using "..tostring(#metaballs).." metaballs" end local time_taken = wea.get_ms_time() - start_time if append_time then message = message.." in "..wea.format.human_time(time_taken) end minetest.log("action", name.." used //metaballs "..subcommand.." in "..wea.format.human_time(time_taken)) return true, message end })