local farwand = worldeditadditions.farwand -- Convenience shurtcut local function parse_params_farwand(params_text) if params_text == nil then return false, "Can't parse nil value" end local parts = worldeditadditions.split(params_text, "%s+", false) local key = nil local value = nil if #parts >= 1 then key = parts[1] end if #parts >= 2 then value = parts[2] end return true, key, value end minetest.register_chatcommand("/farwand", { params = "skip_liquid (true|false) | maxdist <number>", description = "Configures your worldeditadditions farwand tool on a per-player basis. skip_liquid configures whether liquids will be skipped when raycasting. maxdist configures the maximum distance to raycast looking for a suitable node (default: 1000, but while higher values mean that it will search further, it's not an exact number of nodes that will be searched)", privs = { worldedit = true }, func = function(name, params_text) if name == nil then return end local success, key, value = parse_params_farwand(params_text) if success == false then worldedit.player_notify(name, key) return end if key == "" then worldedit.player_notify(name, "Current settings:\n" .."\tskip_liquid\t"..tostring(farwand.setting_get(name, "skip_liquid")).."\n" .."\tmaxdist\t"..tostring(farwand.setting_get(name, "maxdist")).."\n" ) return end if key == "skip_liquid" then local skip_liquid = false if value == "true" then skip_liquid = true end farwand.setting_set(name, "skip_liquid", skip_liquid) worldedit.player_notify(name, "Set skip_liquid to "..tostring(skip_liquid)..".") elseif key == "maxdist" then local maxdist = tonumber(value) if maxdist == nil then worldedit.player_notify(name, "Invalid maxdist '"..value.."' (expected number).") return end farwand.setting_set(name, "maxdist", maxdist) worldedit.player_notify(name, "Set maxdist to "..tostring(maxdist)..".") else worldedit.player_notify(name, "Unknown key '"..key.."' (valid values: skip_liquid, maxdist).") return end end })