local Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions.utils.vector3") describe("Vector3.divide", function() it("should divide 2 positive vectors", function() local a = Vector3.new(30, 40, 50) local b = Vector3.new(2, 2, 2) assert.are.same( a:divide(b), Vector3.new(15, 20, 25) ) end) it("should work with the div alias", function() local a = Vector3.new(30, 40, 50) local b = Vector3.new(2, 2, 2) assert.are.same( a:div(b), Vector3.new(15, 20, 25) ) end) it("should work with scalar a", function() local a = 2 local b = Vector3.new(12, 14, 16) assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(6, 7, 8) ) end) it("should work with scalar b", function() local a = Vector3.new(6, 8, 10) local b = 2 assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(3, 4, 5) ) end) it("should support the divide operator", function() local a = Vector3.new(10, 12, 14) local b = Vector3.new(2, 3, 2) assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(5, 4, 7) ) end) it("should handle negative b", function() local a = Vector3.new(30, 40, 50) local b = Vector3.new(-2, -2, -2) assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(-15, -20, -25) ) end) it("should handle negative a", function() local a = Vector3.new(-30, -40, -50) local b = Vector3.new(2, 4, 2) assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(-15, -10, -25) ) end) it("should handle negative a and b", function() local a = Vector3.new(-30, -40, -50) local b = Vector3.new(-2, -2, -2) assert.are.same( a / b, Vector3.new(15, 20, 25) ) end) it("should return a new Vector3 instance", function() local a = Vector3.new(9, 12, 15) local b = Vector3.new(3, 3, 3) local result = a / b assert.are.same( result, Vector3.new(3, 4, 5) ) assert.are_not.equal(result, a) assert.are_not.equal(result, b) end) end)