local weac = worldeditadditions_core local worldedit_unmark if minetest.registered_chatcommands["/unmark"] then worldedit_unmark = minetest.registered_chatcommands["/unmark"].func end local function do_unmark_all() local items_removed = 0 for id, obj in pairs(minetest.object_refs) do if obj.get_luaentity then local luaentity = obj:get_luaentity() if luaentity and (luaentity.name == "worldeditadditions:marker_wall" or luaentity.name == "worldeditadditions:position") then obj:remove() items_removed = items_removed + 1 end end end return items_removed end local function do_unmark(name, params_text) -- Hide the WorldEdit marker, if appropriate if type(worldedit_unmark) == "function" then worldedit_unmark(name, params_text) end if params_text == "all" then local removed = do_unmark_all() worldedit.player_notify(name, "Hidden "..removed.." marker entities") else -- Hide the WorldEditAdditions marker weac.pos.unmark(name) end end if minetest.registered_chatcommands["/unmark"] then minetest.override_chatcommand("/unmark", { params = "[all]", description = "Hide the markers for the defined region (and any other positions), but do not remove the points themselves. If the optional argument keyword 'all' is supplied, then all loaded markers are hidden, regardless of player ownership.", func = do_unmark }) else minetest.register_chatcommand("/unmark", { params = "[all]", description = "Hide the markers for the defined region (and any other positions), but do not remove the points themselves. If the optional argument keyword 'all' is supplied, then all loaded markers are hidden, regardless of player ownership.", privs = { worldedit = true }, func = do_unmark }) end