--- Prints a 2d array of numbers formatted like a JS TypedArray (e.g. like a manip node list or a convolutional kernel) -- In other words, the numbers should be formatted as a single flat array. -- @param tbl number[] The ZERO-indexed list of numbers -- @param width number The width of 2D array. function worldeditadditions.format.array_2d(tbl, width) print("==== count: "..#tbl..", width:"..width.." ====") local display_width = 1 for _i,value in pairs(tbl) do display_width = math.max(display_width, #tostring(value)) end display_width = display_width + 2 local next = {} for i=0, #tbl do table.insert(next, worldeditadditions.str_padstart(tostring(tbl[i]), display_width)) if #next == width then print(table.concat(next, "")) next = {} end end end