local wea = worldeditadditions local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 local import_static = dofile(wea.modpath.."/lib/sculpt/import_static.lua") --- -- @module worldeditadditions.sculpt local function import_filepath(filepath, name, overwrite_existing) if overwrite_existing and wea.sculpt.brushes[name] ~= nil then return false, "Error: A brush with the name '"..name.."' already exists." end local success, brush, brush_size = import_static(filepath) if not success then return success, "Error while reading from '"..filepath.."': "..brush end wea.sculpt.brushes[name] = { brush = brush, size = brush_size } return true end --- Scans the given directory and imports all static brushes found. -- Static brushes have the file extension ".brush.tsv" (without quotes). -- @name scan_static -- @internal -- @param dirpath string The path to directory that contains the static brushs to import. -- @returns bool,loaded,errors A success boolean, followed by the number of brushes loaded, followed by the number of errors encountered while loading brushes (errors are logged as warnings with Minetest) return function(dirpath, overwrite_existing) if overwrite_existing == nil then overwrite_existing = false end local files = wea_c.io.scandir_files(dirpath) local brushes_loaded = 0 local errors = 0 for i, filename in pairs(files) do if wea_c.str_ends(filename, ".brush.tsv") then local filepath = dirpath.."/"..filename local name = filename:gsub(".brush.tsv", "") local success, msg = import_filepath(filepath, name, overwrite_existing) if not success then minetest.log("warning", "[WorldEditAdditions:sculpt] Encountered error when loading brush from '"..filepath.."':"..msg) end brushes_loaded = brushes_loaded + 1 end end return true, brushes_loaded, errors end