local wea = worldeditadditions local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 --- -- @module worldeditadditions.sculpt --- Applies the given brush with the given height and size to the given position. -- @param pos1 Vector3 The position at which to apply the brush. -- @param brush_name string The name of the brush to apply. -- @param brush_size Vector3 The size of the brush application. Values are interpreted on the X/Y coordinates, and NOT X/Z! -- @param height number The height of the brush application. -- @returns bool, string|{ added: number, removed: number } A bool indicating whether the operation was successful or not, followed by either an error message as a string (if it was not successful) or a table of statistics (if it was successful). local function apply(pos1, brush_name, brush_size, height) -- 1: Get & validate brush local success, brush, brush_size_actual = wea.sculpt.make_brush(brush_name, brush_size) if not success then return success, brush end -- print(wea.sculpt.make_preview(brush, brush_size_actual)) local brush_size_terrain = Vector3.new( brush_size_actual.x, 0, brush_size_actual.y ) local brush_size_radius = (brush_size_terrain / 2):floor() -- To try and make sure we catch height variations local buffer = Vector3.new(0, math.min(height*2, 100), 0) local pos1_compute = pos1 - brush_size_radius - buffer local pos2_compute = pos1 + brush_size_radius + Vector3.new(0, height, 0) + buffer pos1_compute, pos2_compute = Vector3.sort( pos1_compute, pos2_compute ) -- 2: Fetch the nodes in the specified area, extract heightmap local manip, area = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(pos1_compute, pos2_compute) local data = manip:get_data() local heightmap, heightmap_size = wea_c.terrain.make_heightmap( pos1_compute, pos2_compute, manip, area, data ) local heightmap_orig = wea_c.table.shallowcopy(heightmap) local success2, added, removed = wea.sculpt.apply_heightmap( brush, brush_size_actual, height, (heightmap_size / 2):floor(), heightmap, heightmap_size ) if not success2 then return success2, added end -- 3: Save back to disk & return local success3, stats = wea_c.terrain.apply_heightmap_changes( pos1_compute, pos2_compute, area, data, heightmap_orig, heightmap, heightmap_size ) if not success3 then return success2, stats end worldedit.manip_helpers.finish(manip, data) return true, stats end return apply