--- Converts a float milliseconds into a human-readable string. -- Ported from PHP human_time from Pepperminty Wiki: https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki/blob/fa81f0d/core/05-functions.php#L82-L104 -- @param ms float The number of milliseconds to convert. -- @return string A human-readable string representing the input ms. function worldeditadditions.format.human_time(ms) if type(ms) ~= "number" then return "unknown" end local tokens = { { 31536000 * 1000, 'year' }, { 2592000 * 1000, 'month' }, { 604800 * 1000, 'week' }, { 86400 * 1000, 'day' }, { 3600 * 1000, 'hr' }, { 60 * 1000, 'min' }, { 1 * 1000, 's' }, { 1, 'ms'} } for _,pair in pairs(tokens) do if ms > pair[1] or pair[2] == "ms" then local unit = pair[2] if ms > 60 * 1000 and math.floor(ms / pair[1]) > 1 then unit = unit.."s" end return string.format("%.2f", ms / pair[1])..unit end end end