local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 local positions_count_limit = 999 local positions = {} --- Position manager. -- @event set { player_name: string, i: number, pos: Vector3 } A new position has been set in a player's list at a specific position. -- @event push { player_name: string, i: number, pos: Vector3 } A new position has been pushed onto a player's stack. -- @event pop { player_name: string, i: number, pos: Vector3 } A new position has been pushed onto a player's stack. -- @event clear { player_name: string } The positions for a player have been cleared. local anchor = nil --- Ensures that a table exists for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to check. local function ensure_player(player_name) if player_name == nil then minetest.log("error", "[wea core:pos:ensure_player] player_name is nil") end if not positions[player_name] then positions[player_name] = {} end end --- Transparently fetches from worldedit pos1 for compatibility. -- Called whenever pos1 is accessed in this API. -- @private -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns void local function compat_worldedit_pos1_get(player_name) if worldedit and worldedit.pos1 and worldedit.pos1[player_name] then positions[player_name][1] = Vector3.clone(worldedit.pos1[player_name]) end end --- Transparently fetches from worldedit pos2 for compatibility. -- Called whenever pos2 is accessed in this API. -- @private -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns void local function compat_worldedit_pos2_get(player_name) if worldedit and worldedit.pos2 and worldedit.pos2[player_name] then positions[player_name][2] = Vector3.clone(worldedit.pos2[player_name]) end end --- Sets pos1/pos2 in worldedit for compatibility. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to set the position for. -- @param i number The index of the position to set. -- @returns Vector3? The position to set. local function compat_worldedit_set(player_name, i, pos) if not worldedit then return end if i == 1 and worldedit.pos1 then worldedit.pos1[player_name] = pos:clone() if worldedit.mark_pos1 then worldedit.mark_pos1(player_name) end elseif i == 2 and worldedit.pos2 then worldedit.pos2[player_name] = pos:clone() if worldedit.mark_pos2 then worldedit.mark_pos2(player_name) end end end --- Gets the position with the given index for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @param i number The index of the position to fetch. -- @returns Vector3? The position requested, or nil if it doesn't exist. local function get_pos(player_name, i) ensure_player(player_name) if i == 1 then compat_worldedit_pos1_get(player_name) elseif i == 2 then compat_worldedit_pos2_get(player_name) end return positions[player_name][i] end --- Convenience function that returns position 1 for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns Vector3? The position requested, or nil if it doesn't exist. local function get_pos1(player_name) return get_pos(player_name, 1) end --- Convenience function that returns position 1 for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns Vector3? The position requested, or nil if it doesn't exist. local function get_pos2(player_name) return get_pos(player_name, 2) end --- Gets a list of all the positions for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns Vector3[] A list of positions for the given player. local function get_all(player_name) ensure_player(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos1_get(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos2_get(player_name) return wea_c.table.deepcopy(positions[player_name]) end --- Get a bounding box that encloses all the positions currently defined by a given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the boudnign box for. -- @returns nil|(Vector3,Vector3) 2 positions that define opposite corners of a region that fully encloses all the defined points for the given player, or nil ir the specified player has no points currently defined. local function get_bounds(player_name) ensure_player(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos1_get(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos2_get(player_name) if #positions[player_name] < 1 then return nil end local pos1, pos2 = positions[player_name][1], positions[player_name][1] for _, pos in pairs(positions[player_name]) do pos1, pos2 = Vector3.expand_region(pos, pos1, pos2) end return pos1, pos2 end --- Counts the number of positioons registered to a given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to fetch the position for. -- @returns number The number of positions registered for the given player. local function pos_count(player_name) ensure_player(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos1_get(player_name) compat_worldedit_pos2_get(player_name) return #positions[player_name] end --- Sets the position at the given index for the given player. -- You probably want push_pos, not this function. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to set the position for. -- @param i number The index to set the position at. -- @param pos Vector3 The position to set. -- @returns bool Whether the operation was successful or not (players aren't allowed more than positions_count_limit number of positions at a time). local function set_pos(player_name, i, pos) if i > positions_count_limit then return false end ensure_player(player_name) positions[player_name][i] = pos compat_worldedit_set(player_name, i, pos) anchor:emit("set", { player_name = player_name, i = i, pos = pos }) return true end --- Convenience function that set position 1 for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to set pos1 for. -- @param pos Vector3? The new Vector3 for pos1 to set. -- @returns bool Whether the operation was successful or not, but in this case will always return true so can be ignored. local function set_pos1(player_name, pos) return set_pos(player_name, 1, pos) end --- Convenience function that set position 2 for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to set pos1 for. -- @param pos Vector3? The new Vector3 for pos2 to set. -- @returns bool Whether the operation was successful or not, but in this case will always return true so can be ignored. local function set_pos2(player_name, pos) return set_pos(player_name, 2, pos) end --- Sets the all the positions for the given player. -- You probably want push_pos, not this function. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to set the positions for. -- @param pos_list Vector3 The table of positions to set. -- @returns bool Whether the operation was successful or not (players aren't allowed more than positions_count_limit number of positions at a time). local function set_pos_all(player_name, pos_list) if #pos_list > positions_count_limit then return false end positions[player_name] = pos_list for i,pos_new in ipairs(positions[player_name]) do compat_worldedit_set(player_name, i, pos_new) anchor:emit("push", { player_name = player_name, pos = pos_new, i = i }) end return true end --- Clears all the positions for the given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to clear the positions for. -- @returns void local function clear(player_name) if positions[player_name] then positions[player_name] = nil end if worldedit then if worldedit.pos1 then worldedit.pos1[player_name] = nil end if worldedit.pos2 then worldedit.pos2[player_name] = nil end end anchor:emit("clear", { player_name = player_name }) end --- Removes the last position from the for a given player and returns it. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to pop the position for. -- @returns Vector3? The position removed, or nil if it doesn't exist. local function pop_pos(player_name) ensure_player(player_name) if #positions[player_name] <= 0 then return nil end local count = #positions[player_name] local last_pos = table.remove(positions[player_name]) if worldedit then if count == 2 and worldedit.pos2 then worldedit.pos2[player_name] = nil elseif count == 1 and worldedit.pos1 then worldedit.pos1[player_name] = nil end end anchor:emit("pop", { player_name = player_name, pos = last_pos, i = count }) return last_pos end --- Adds a position to the list for a given player. -- @param player_name string The name of the player to add the position for. -- @param pos Vector3 The position to add. -- @returns number The new number of positions for that player. local function push_pos(player_name, pos) ensure_player(player_name) table.insert(positions[player_name], pos) compat_worldedit_set(player_name, #positions, pos) anchor:emit("push", { player_name = player_name, pos = pos, i = #positions[player_name] }) return #positions[player_name] end anchor = wea_c.EventEmitter.new({ get = get_pos, get1 = get_pos1, get2 = get_pos2, get_all = get_all, get_bounds = get_bounds, count = pos_count, clear = clear, pop = pop_pos, push = push_pos, set = set_pos, set_pos1 = set_pos1, set_pos2 = set_pos2, set_all = set_pos_all }) return anchor