local Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.vector3") local axes = require("worldeditadditions.utils.parse.axes") local parse_abs_axis_name = axes.parse_abs_axis_name describe("parse_abs_axis_name", function() it("should work with positive x", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("x") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(1, 0, 0), result ) end) it("should work with negative x", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("-x") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(-1, 0, 0), result ) end) it("should work with positive y", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("y") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(0, 1, 0), result ) end) it("should work with negative y", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("-y") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(0, -1, 0), result ) end) it("should work with positive z", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("z") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(0, 0, 1), result ) end) it("should work with negative z", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("-z") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(0, 0, -1), result ) end) it("should work with multiple axes -x y", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("-xy") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(-1, 1, 0), result ) end) it("should work with multiple axes z-y", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("z-y") assert.is_true(success) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(0, -1, 1), result ) end) it("returns an error with invalid input", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name("cheese") assert.is_false(success) assert.are.same( "string", type(result) ) end) it("returns an error with no input", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name() assert.is_false(success) assert.are.same( "string", type(result) ) end) it("returns an error with input of the wrong type", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name(5) assert.is_false(success) assert.are.same( "string", type(result) ) end) it("returns an error with input of the wrong type again", function() local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name({ "yay", "tests are very useful" }) assert.is_false(success) assert.are.same( "string", type(result) ) end) end)