local Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions.utils.vector3") -- To find these numbers, in Javascript: -- function t(x) { return Math.sqrt((x*x)*3); } -- for(let i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { let r = t(i); if(Math.floor(r) === r) console.log(`i ${i}, r ${r}`); } describe("Vector3.unit", function() it("should work with a positive vector", function() local a = Vector3.new(10, 10, 10) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(57735, 57735, 57735), a:unit():multiply(100000):floor() ) end) it("should work with a the normalise alias", function() local a = Vector3.new(10, 10, 10) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(57735, 57735, 57735), a:normalise():multiply(100000):floor() ) end) it("should work with a negative vector", function() local a = Vector3.new(10, 10, 10) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(57735, 57735, 57735), a:unit():multiply(100000):floor() ) end) it("should work with a mixed vector", function() local a = Vector3.new(-371635731, 371635731, -371635731) assert.are.same( Vector3.new(-57736, 57735, -57736), a:unit():multiply(100000):floor() ) end) end)