--- layout: theme.njk title: Welcome tags: navigable date: 2000-01-01 ---


Extra tools and commands to extend WorldEdit for Minetest

If you can dream of it, it probably belongs here!

A green 2D hedge maze, made with the //maze command

Use //maze and //maze3d to generate customisable mazes in 2 or 3 dimensions.

Customise the path sizing for additional artistic control.

A forest of orange and lemon trees from the cooltrees mod, along with some bushes from Minetest Game.

Save time by creating instant forests with //forest.

Artibrary mixes of saplings are supported too as a weighted list.

A small mountain smoothed with //smoothadv and topped with snow with //overlay

Unlock a continuously growing library of commands, such as //smoothadv for easy terrain smoothing, and //overlay for overlaying a node on top of terrain.

Many more commands are waiting to be discovered, including //torus, //bonemeal, and //scale.

A dirt torus with a grassy top, and a meadow of grass/flowers. Demonstrates //layers and //bonemeal. Doesn't have much to do with the sentences below - I just thought it looked nice as meta commands are difficult to find a good picture for.

Powerful meta commands such as //multi for executing multiple commands at once and //subdivide for running commands on areas of virtually unlimited size enable convenience and enhance flexibility.