local wea = worldeditadditions local make_brush = dofile(wea.modpath.."/lib/sculpt/make_brush.lua") --- -- @module worldeditadditions.sculpt --- Generates a textual preview of a given brush. -- @param brush table The brush in question to preview. -- @param size Vector3 The size of the brush. -- @returns string A preview of the brush as a string. local function make_preview(brush, size, framed) if framed == nil then framed = true end -- Values to map brush pixel values to. -- Brush pixel values are first multiplied by 10 before comparing to these numbers local values = {} values["@"] = 9.5 values["#"] = 8 values["="] = 6 values[":"] = 5 values["-"] = 4 values["."] = 1 values[" "] = 0 local frame_vertical = "+"..string.rep("-", math.max(0, size.x)).."+" local result = {} if framed then table.insert(result, frame_vertical) end for y = size.y-1, 0, -1 do local row = {} if framed then table.insert(row, "|") end for x = size.x-1, 0, -1 do local i = y*size.x + x local pixel = " " local threshold_cur = -1 for value,threshold in pairs(values) do if brush[i] * 10 > threshold and threshold_cur < threshold then pixel = value threshold_cur = threshold end end table.insert(row, pixel) end if framed then table.insert(row, "|") end table.insert(result, table.concat(row)) end if framed then table.insert(result, frame_vertical) end return table.concat(result, "\n") end return make_preview