local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3 --- -- @module worldeditadditions.sculpt.brushes --- Makes a circle brush of a given size. -- Default inbuilt brush. -- @name circle -- @param size Vector3 The desired sizez of the brush (only X and Y are considered; Z is ignored). -- @returns bool,brush,Vector3 Success bool, then the brush, then finally the actual size of the brush generated. return function(size) local brush = {} local centre = (size / 2):floor() local minsize = math.floor(math.min(size.x, size.y) / 2) for y = size.y - 1, 0, -1 do for x = size.x - 1, 0, -1 do local i = y*size.x + x if math.floor((centre - Vector3.new(x, y, 0)):length()) < minsize then brush[i] = 1 else brush[i] = 0 end end end return true, brush, size end