local wea = worldeditadditions --- Parses a comma-separated side numbers list out into a list of numbers. -- @param list string The command separated list to parse. -- @returns number[] A list of side numbers. local function parse_sides_list(list) list = list:gsub("%s", "") -- Spaces are not permitted return wea.table.unique(wea.table.map( wea.split(list, ","), function(value) return tonumber(value) end )) end function worldeditadditions.erode.river(heightmap_initial, heightmap, heightmap_size, region_height, params_custom) local params = { steps = 1, -- Number of rounds/passes of the algorithm to run lower_sides = "4,3", -- Cells with this many adjacent horizontal neighbours that are lower than the current pixel will be removed raise_sides = "4,3", -- Cells with this many adjacect horizontal neighbours that are higher than the current pixel will be filled in doraise = true, -- Whether to do raise operations or not dolower = true -- Whether to do lower operations or not } -- Apply the custom settings wea.table.apply(params_custom, params) params.lower_sides = parse_sides_list(params.lower_sides) params.raise_sides = parse_sides_list(params.raise_sides) local timings = {} local filled = 0 local removed = 0 for i=1,params.steps do -- print("[DEBUG:river] step ", i) -- wea.format.array_2d(heightmap, heightmap_size.x) local time_start = wea.get_ms_time() -- Store up changes to make and make them at the end of the step -- This is important, because decisions local fill = { } -- Indexes to add 1 to local remove = { } -- Indexes to take 1 away from for z = heightmap_size.z - 1, 0, -1 do for x = heightmap_size.x - 1, 0, -1 do local hi = z*heightmap_size.x + x local thisheight = heightmap[hi] -- print("[DEBUG:river] z", z, "x", x, "thisheight", thisheight) local height_up = heightmap[hi] local height_down = heightmap[hi] local height_left = heightmap[hi] local height_right = heightmap[hi] if x > 0 then height_left = heightmap[z*heightmap_size.x + x-1] end if x < heightmap_size.x - 1 then height_right = heightmap[z*heightmap_size.x + x+1] end if z > 0 then height_up = heightmap[(z-1)*heightmap_size.x + x] end if z < heightmap_size.z - 1 then height_down = heightmap[(z+1)*heightmap_size.x + x] end -- Whether this pixel is on the edge local isedge = x <= 0 or z <= 0 or x >= heightmap_size.x - 1 or z >= heightmap_size.z - 1 local sides_higher = 0 -- Number of sides higher than this pixel local sides_lower = 0 -- Number of sides lower than this pixel if not isedge then if height_down > thisheight then sides_higher = sides_higher + 1 end if height_up > thisheight then sides_higher = sides_higher + 1 end if height_left > thisheight then sides_higher = sides_higher + 1 end if height_right > thisheight then sides_higher = sides_higher + 1 end if height_down < thisheight then sides_lower = sides_lower + 1 end if height_up < thisheight then sides_lower = sides_lower + 1 end if height_left < thisheight then sides_lower = sides_lower + 1 end if height_right < thisheight then sides_lower = sides_lower + 1 end end -- Perform an action, but only if we're not on the edge -- This is important, as we can't accurately tell how many -- adjacent neighbours a pixel on the edge has. local action = "none" if not isedge then if sides_higher > sides_lower then for i,sidecount in ipairs(params.raise_sides) do if sidecount == sides_higher then action = "fill" break end end else for i,sidecount in ipairs(params.lower_sides) do if sidecount == sides_lower then action = "remove" break end end end end if action == "fill" and params.doraise then table.insert(fill, hi) filled = filled + 1 elseif action == "remove" and params.dolower then table.insert(remove, hi) removed = removed + 1 end -- print("[DEBUG:river] sides_higher", sides_higher, "sides_lower", sides_lower, "action", action) -- wea.format.array_2d(heightmap, heightmap_size.x) end end for i,hi in ipairs(fill) do heightmap[hi] = heightmap[hi] + 1 end for i,hi in ipairs(remove) do heightmap[hi] = heightmap[hi] - 1 end table.insert(timings, wea.get_ms_time() - time_start) end return true, params.steps.." steps made, raising "..filled.." and lowering "..removed.." columns in "..wea.format.human_time(wea.sum(timings)).." (~"..wea.format.human_time(wea.average(timings)).." per step)" end