using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices; namespace GalleryShare { class MainClass { public static int Main(string[] args) { string directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; int port = 3333; List extras = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (!args[i].StartsWith("-")) { extras.Add(args[i]); continue; } string trimmedArg = args[i].Trim('-'); switch (trimmedArg) { case "port": case "p": port = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "d": case "directory": directory = args[++i]; break; case "h": case "help": Console.WriteLine("GalleryShare"); Console.WriteLine("by Starbeamrainbowlabs, find out more at"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage: "); Console.WriteLine(" ./GalleryShare.exe [options]"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options: "); Console.WriteLine(" -h --help Show this message"); Console.WriteLine(" -d --directory {directory_path} Specify the directory to serve files from. Defaults tot he current directory."); Console.WriteLine(" -p --port {port_number} Specify the port to listen on. Default: 3333."); Console.WriteLine(); return 0; default: Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Unknown argument '{0}'.", args[i]); Console.Error.WriteLine("Try ./GalleryShare --help to learn how to use GalleryShare."); return 1; } } GalleryServer gserver = new GalleryServer(directory, port); try { gserver.StartSync(); } catch(AggregateException agError) { agError.Handle((error) => { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(error).Throw(); throw error; }); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine("Something went very wrong O.o"); throw; } return 255; } } }