<?php namespace AirQuality\Actions; use \SBRL\TomlConfig; use \AirQuality\Repositories\IDeviceRepository; use \AirQuality\Repositories\IMeasurementTypeRepository; use \AirQuality\ApiResponseSender; use \AirQuality\Validator; /** * Action that lists the devices near a given location. */ class ListDevicesNear implements IAction { /** @var TomlConfig */ private $settings; /** @var \SBRL\PerformanceCounter */ private $perfcounter; /** @var IDeviceRepository */ private $device_repo; /** @var IMeasurementTypeRepository */ private $type_repo; /** @var ApiResponseSender */ private $sender; /** @var Validator */ private $validator_get; /** @var Validator */ private $validator_post; public function __construct( TomlConfig $in_settings, IDeviceRepository $in_device_repo, ApiResponseSender $in_sender, \SBRL\PerformanceCounter $in_perfcounter) { $this->settings = $in_settings; $this->device_repo = $in_device_repo; $this->sender = $in_sender; $this->perfcounter = $in_perfcounter; $this->validator_get = new Validator($_GET); $this->validator_post = new Validator($_POST); } public function handle() : bool { global $start_time; if(strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) !== "post") { $this->sender->send_error_plain(405, "Error: The devices-near action only takes a POST request, but you sent a {$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]} request. The parameters 'longitude' and 'latitude' should be specified in the POST body, and 'count' as a regular GET parameter.\nExample POST body (without quotes): 'latitude=12.345678&longitude=98.765432'\nDon't forget that the content-type header should be set to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.", [ [ "x-time-taken", $this->perfcounter->render() ] ]); return false; } // 1: Validate params $this->validator_get->is_numberish("count"); $this->validator_get->run(); $this->validator_post->is_numberish("latitude"); $this->validator_post->is_numberish("longitude"); $this->validator_post->run(); // 2: Pull data from database $this->perfcounter->start("sql"); $data = $this->device_repo->get_near_location( floatval($_POST["latitude"]), floatval($_POST["longitude"]), intval($_GET["count"]) ); $this->perfcounter->end("sql"); // 3: Serialise data $this->perfcounter->start("encode"); $response = json_encode($data); $this->perfcounter->end("encode"); // 4: Send response // Send a cache-control header, but only in production mode if($this->settings->get("env.mode") == "production") { header("cache-control: public, max-age=" . $this->settings->get("cache.max-age")); } header("content-length: " . strlen($response)); header("content-type: application/json"); header("x-time-taken: " . $this->perfcounter->render()); echo($response); return true; } }