"use strict"; import SmartSettings from 'smartsettings'; import Config from './Config.mjs'; import GetFromUrl from './Helpers/GetFromUrl.mjs'; class UI { constructor(in_config, in_map_manager) { this.config = in_config; this.map_manager = in_map_manager; this.ui_panel = new SmartSettings("Settings"); // this.ui_panel.watch((event) => console.log(event)); } async setup() { this.reading_types = JSON.parse( await GetFromUrl(`${this.config.api_root}?action=list-reading-types`) ); this.ui_panel.loadConfig([ { type: "range", name: "Heatmap Blob Radius", help: "The radius of blobs on the heatmap.", items: [ 0.001, // min 0.05, // max Config.heatmap.blob_radius, // initial value 0.001 // step ], callback: ((event) => { this.map_manager.heatmap.overlay_config.radius = parseFloat(event.target.value); }).bind(this) }, { // TODO: Add a setting for the different reading types here type: "select", items: this.reading_types.map((type) => type.friendly_text) } ]); } } export default UI;