<?php namespace AirQuality; class Validator { private $target_data; private $tests = []; public function __construct($in_target_data) { $this->target_data = $in_target_data; } public function exists($key) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) { return isset($data); }, 400, "Error: The field $key wasn't found in your request." ); } public function is_numberish($key) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) { return is_numeric($data); }, 400, "Error: The field $key in your request isn't a number." ); } public function is_min_length($key, $min_length) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) use ($min_length) { return mb_strlen($data) >= $min_length; }, 400, "Error: The field $key is too short - it must be a minimum of $min_length characters." ); } public function is_max_length($key, $max_length) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) use ($max_length) { return mb_strlen($data) <= $max_length; }, 400, "Error: The field $key is too long - it must be a maximum of $max_length characters." ); } public function is_preset_value(string $key, array $values, int $error_code) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) use ($values) { return in_array($data, $values); }, $error_code, "Error: The value for the field $key is not valid. Valid values: " . implode(", ", $values) . "." ); } public function are_equal($key_a, $key_b, $message) { $key_b_data = $this->target_data[$key_b]; $this->add_test( $key_a, function($data) use($key_b_data) { return $data === $key_b_data; }, 400, $message ); } public function matches_regex($key, $regex, $message) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) use($regex) { return preg_match($regex, $data) === 1; }, 400, $message ); } public function is_datetime($key) { $this->add_test( $key, function($data) { return strtotime($data) !== false; }, 400, "The datetime provided in the '$key' parameter is invalid." ); } public function add_test($key, $test, $response_code, $message) { $new_test = [ "key" => $key, "test" => $test, "response_code" => $response_code, "message" => $message ]; $this->tests[] = $new_test; } protected function send_error($code, $message) { http_response_code($code); header("content-type: text/plain"); exit($message); } public function run() { foreach($this->tests as $test) { if(!isset($this->target_data[$test["key"]]) || !$test["test"]($this->target_data[$test["key"]])) { $this->send_error($test["response_code"], $test["message"]); } } } }