settings = $in_settings; $this->types_repo = $in_types_repo; $this->sender = $in_sender; } public function handle() : bool { global $start_time; $start_handle = microtime(true); // 1: Parse & validate parameters $device_id = !empty($_GET["device-id"]) ? intval($_GET["device-id"]) : null; $format = $_GET["format"] ?? "json"; if(!in_array($format, ["json", "csv"])) { $this->sender->send_error_plain(406, "Error: The format '$format' isn't recognised. Valid formats: " . implode(", ", $format) . "." ); return false; } // 1: Pull data from database $data = null; if(!is_int($device_id)) $data = $this->types_repo->get_all_types(); else $data = $this->types_repo->get_types_by_device($device_id); // 1.5: Validate data from database if(empty($data)) { http_response_code(404); header("content-type: text/plain"); header("x-time-taken: " . PerfFormatter::format_perf_data($start_time, $start_handle, null)); echo("Error: No types are currently present in the system."); return false; } // 3: Serialise data $start_encode = microtime(true); $response = null; $response_type = "application/octet-stream"; $response_suggested_filename = "data-" . date(\DateTime::ATOM) . ""; switch($format) { case "json": $response_type = "application/json"; $response = json_encode($data); break; case "csv": $response_type = "text/csv"; $response = ResponseEncoder::encode_csv($data); break; } // 4: Send response // Don't a cache control header, because new types might get added at any time // TODO: Investigate adding a short-term (~10mins?) cache-control header here header("content-length: " . strlen($response)); header("content-type: $response_type"); header("content-disposition: inline; filename=$response_suggested_filename"); header("x-time-taken: " . PerfFormatter::format_perf_data($start_time, $start_handle, $start_encode)); echo($response); return true; } }