<?php namespace SBRL; use \stdClass; use \Yosymfony\Toml\Toml; use \Yosymfony\Toml\TomlBuilder; /** * Handles the loading and saving of settings from a toml file. * Supports loading default settings from a separate file. * @author Starbeamrainbowlabs * @version v0.5 * @lastModified 22nd March 2017 * @license https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/ Mozilla Public License 2.0 * Changelog: * v0.5 - 9th September 2018 * Made hasPropertyByPath() more intelligent * v0.4 - 23rd August 2018 * Made getPropertyByPath() more intelligent * v0.3 - 5th March 2018 * Forked to create a version for toml. * v0.2 - 22nd March 2017 * Add license * Filled in some missing comments * v0.1: 28th February 2017 * Initial release */ class TomlConfig { private $defaultSettings; private $settingsFilePath = ""; /** * The custom settings object. * @var stdClass */ private $customSettings; /** * The banner to insert at the top of the custom settings file when saving it. * @var string */ private $customSettingsBanner; /** * Creates a new JsonConfig * @param string $settingsFilePath The path to the customised settings file. * @param string $defaultSettingsFilePath The path to the default settings file. */ public function __construct($settingsFilePath, $defaultSettingsFilePath) { $this->customSettingsBanner = "-------[ Custom Settings File - Last updated " . date("Y-m-d") . " ]-------"; $this->defaultSettings = Toml::ParseFile($defaultSettingsFilePath, true); $this->customSettings = new stdClass(); if(file_exists($settingsFilePath)) { $this->customSettings = Toml::ParseFile($settingsFilePath, true); } else { mkdir(dirname($settingsFilePath), 0750, true); file_put_contents($settingsFilePath, "$this->customSettingsBanner\n"); } } /** * Gets the value identified by the specified property, in dotted notation (e.g. `Network.Firewalling.Ports.Http`) * @param string $key The property, in dotted notation, to return. * @return mixed The value odentified by the given dotted property notation. */ public function get($key) { if(static::hasPropertyByPath($this->customSettings, $key)) { return static::getPropertyByPath($this->customSettings, $key); } return static::getPropertyByPath($this->defaultSettings, $key); } /** * Fetches the default value for the specified property, specified in dotted notation. * @param string $key The key to fetch. * @return mixed The default value of the property identified by the given dotted notation. */ public function getDefault($key) { return static::getPropertyByPath($this->defaultSettings, $key); } /** * Determines whether the given property has been customised or explicitly specified in the customised settings file. * @param string $key The property, in dotted notation, to check. * @return boolean Whether the specified properties file has been explicitly specified in the custom settings file. */ public function hasChanged($key) { return static::hasPropertyByPath($this->customSettings, $key); } /** * Sets the property identified by the specified dotted path. * Does not re-save the properties back to disk! * @param string $key The dotted path to update. * @param mixed $value The value to set the property to. * @return self This ConfigFile instance, to aid method chaining. */ public function set($key, $value) { static::setPropertyByPath($this->customSettings, $key, $value); return $this; } public function setCustomSettingsBanner($value) { $this->customSettingsBanner = $value; return $this; } /** * Saves the customised settings back to the disk. * @return boolean Whether the save was successful or not. */ public function save() { $output_builder = new TomlBuilder(); $toml_builder->addComment($this->customSettingsBanner); $this->build($toml_builder, $this->customSettings); return file_put_contents($settingsFilePath, $toml_builder->getTomlString()); } private function build($toml_builder, $customSettingsObject, $subobject_name = null) { if($subobject_name !== null) $toml_builder->addTable($subobject_name); foreach($customSettingsObject as $key => $value) { if(!\is_object($value)) $toml_builder->addValue($key, $value); else $this->build($toml_builder, $value, "$subobject_name.$key"); } } /** * Works out whether a given dotted path to a property exists on a given object. * @param stdClass $obj The object to search. * @param string $path The dotted path to search with. e.g. `Network.Firewall.OpenPorts` * @return boolean Whether the given property is present in the given object. */ public static function hasPropertyByPath($obj, $path) { $pathParts = explode(".", $path); $subObj = $obj; foreach($pathParts as $part) { if(is_object($subObj) && !isset($subObj->$part)) return false; else if(is_array($subObj) && !isset($subObj[$part])) return false; else if(!is_object($subObj) && !is_array($subObj)) return false; if(is_object($subObj)) $subObj = $subObj->$part; else // It must be an array $subObj = $subObj[$part]; } return true; } /** * Returns the property identified by the given dotted path. * If you're not sure whether a property exists or not, use static::hasPropertyByPath() first to check. * @param stdClass $obj The object to fetch from. * @param string $path The path to extract from the given object. * @return mixed The property identified by the given object. */ public static function getPropertyByPath($obj, $path) { $pathParts = explode(".", $path); $subObj = $obj; foreach($pathParts as $part) { if(is_object($subObj)) $subObj = $subObj->$part; else if(is_array($subObj)) $subObj = $subObj[$part]; else throw new Exception("Error: Can't find part '$part' on sub-item if it isn't an object or array"); } return $subObj; } /** * Returns the property identified by the given dotted path. * If you're not sure whether a property exists or not, use static::hasPropertyByPath() first to check. * @param stdClass $obj The object to set the property on. * @param string $path The path to set on the given object. * @param mixed $value The value to set the given property to. */ public static function setPropertyByPath($obj, $path, $value) { $pathParts = explode(".", $path); $pathPartsCount = count($pathParts); $subObj = $obj; for($i = 0; $i < $pathPartsCount; $i++) { // Set the property on the last iteration if($i + 1 == $pathPartsCount) { $subObj->$part = $value; break; } // Create sub-objects if they dobn't exist already if(!isset($subObj->$part)) { $subObj->$part = new stdClass(); } $subObj = $subObj->$part; } } }