# API The server-side API is accessed through `api.php`, and supports a number of GET parameters. On the main production instance, this can be found [here](https://aq.connectedhumber.org/api.php). The most important of these is the `action` parameter, Which determines what the API will do. The following values are supported: Action | Meaning ----------------------------------------|---------------------------- [`version`](#version) | Gets the version of _Air Quality Web_ that's currently running. [`fetch-data`](#fetch-data) | Fetches air quality data from the system for a specific data type at a specific date and time. [`list-devices`](#list-devices) | Fetches a list of devices currently in the system. [`list-devices-near`](#list-devices-near) | Lists the devices close to a given location (new since v0.11!) [`device-info`](#device-info) | Gets (lots of) information about a single device. [`list-reading-types`](#list-reading-types) | Lists the different types of readings that can be specified. [`device-data-bounds`](#device-data-bounds) | Gets the start and end DateTime bounds for the data recorded for a specific device. [`device-data`](#device-data) | Gets data by device given a start and end time. [`changelog`](#changelog) | Gets the changelog as a fragment of HTML. These are explained in detail below. First though, a few notes: - All dates are in UTC. - All datetime-type fields support the keyword `now`. - Additional object properties MAY be returned by the API at a later date. Clients MUST ignore additional unknown properties they do not understand. - Clients SHOULD respect the `cache-control` headers returned by the API. ## version > Returns the version of the application. _No parameters are currently supported by this action._ Examples: ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=version ``` ## fetch-data > Fetches air quality data from the system for a specific data type at a specific date and time. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `datetime` | date/time | Required. Specifies the date and time for which readings are desired. For current data use the special keyword `now`. `reading_type` | string | Required. Specifies the type of reading desired. `format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`. Examples: ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=fetch-data&datetime=2019-01-03%2007:52:10&reading_type=PM10 https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=fetch-data&datetime=now&reading_type=PM10 ``` ## list-devices > Fetches a list of devices currently in the system. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `only-with-location`| bool | Optional. If present only devices with a defined location will be returned. Useful for getting a list of devices to place on a map. `format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`. Examples: ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=list-devices https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=list-devices&only-with-location=yes ``` ## list-devices-near > Lists devices close to a given location. **Remember:** Don't forget that unlike most other API actions, this requires a `POST` request and not a `GET`! This is to preserve privacy, as the web server stores GET parameters along with request urls in the server logs. ### GET Parameters Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `count` | int | Required. Specifies the number of devices to return. ### POST Parameters POST parameters should be specified as part of the request body. The request should have a `content-type` of `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `latitude` | float | Required. The latitude of the location to search for nearby devices. `longitude` | float | Required. The longitude of the location to search for nearby devices. ### Example HTTP Request ``` POST /api.php?action=list-devices-near&count=5 HTTP/1.1 host: airquality.example.com content-length: 38 content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded latitude=12.345678&longitude=98.765432 ``` ### Response Object Properties Since it may not be obvious, the properties returned in a response object are detailed below: Property | Meaning --------------------|---------------------------------- `id` | The device's unique id. `name` | The device's name. Should be unique, but don't count on it. `latitude` | The latitude of the device in question. `longitude` | The longitude of the aforementioned device. `distance_calc` | The distance between the specified point and the device, represented as the length of a relative (lat, long) vector between the 2. _Should_ be accurate enough to get the devices in the right order with respect to the actual distance, but if not please [open an issue](https://github.com/ConnectedHumber/Air-Quality-Web/issues/new) `distance_actual` | The actual distance between the specified point and the device, in metres. ## device-info > Gets (lots of) information about a single device. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `device-id` | int | Required. The id of the device to get extended information for. See the `list-device` action for how to get a hold of one. Examples: ## list-reading-types > Lists the different types of readings that can be specified. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `device-id` | int | Optional. If specified, this filters the list of measurement types to list only those reported by the device with the specified id. `format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`. ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=list-reading-types https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=list-reading-types&device-id=22 https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=list-reading-types&device-id=54 ``` ## device-data-bounds > Gets the start and end DateTime bounds for the data recorded for a specific device. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `device-id` | int | Required. The id of the device to get the data DateTime bounds for. ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data-bounds&device-id=18 https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data-bounds&device-id=11 ``` ## device-data > Gets data by device given a start and end time. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `device-id` | int | The id of the device to get data for. `reading-type` | string | The type of reading to obtain data for. `start` | datetime | The starting datetime, or the special keyword "now". `end` | datetime | The ending datetime, or the special keyword "now". `average-seconds` | int | Optional. If specified, readings will be grouped into lumps of this many seconds and averaged. For example a value of 3600 (1 hour) will return 1 data point per hour, with the value of each point an average of all the readings for that hour. `format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`. ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data&device-id=18&reading-type=PM25&start=2019-01-19T18:14:59.992Z&end=2019-01-20T18:14:59.992Z https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data&device-id=18&reading-type=PM25&start=2019-01-19T18:14:59.992Z&end=2019-01-20T18:14:59.992Z&average-seconds=3600 https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data&device-id=18&reading-type=PM25&start=2019-01-19T18:14:59.992Z&end=now&average-seconds=3600&format=csv https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data&device-id=18&reading-type=PM25&start=2019-06-13T00:00:00&end=now&format=csv ``` ## device-data-recent > Gets a given number of the most recent readings for a specific device. Parameter | Type | Meaning --------------------|-----------|--------------------- `device-id` | int | The id of the device to get data for. `reading-type` | string | The type of reading to obtain data for. `count` | int | The number of recent readings to return. `format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`. ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data-recent&device-id=21&reading-type=PM25&count=5 https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=device-data-recent&device-id=36&reading-type=humidity&count=30 ``` ## changelog > Gets the changelog as a fragment of HTML. _No parameters are currently supported by this action._ ``` https://example.com/path/to/api.php?action=changelog ```