"use strict"; import { set_hidpi_canvas, pixel_ratio } from './Helpers/Canvas.mjs'; import { RenderGradient } from './Helpers/GradientHelpers.mjs'; import gradients from './Gradients.mjs'; class Gauge { constructor(in_canvas) { this.canvas = in_canvas; set_hidpi_canvas(this.canvas); this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); } /** * Sets the reading type to display on this gauge. * Pulls gradient definitions from Gradients.mjs. * @param {string} new_reading_type The reading type code to display. */ set_reading_type(new_reading_type) { if(typeof gradients[new_reading_type] == "undefined") { console.warn(`[Gauge] Warning: Unknown reading type ${new_reading_type} (defaulting to "unknown")`); new_reading_type = "unknown"; } this.set_spec(gradients[new_reading_type]); } /** * Sets the gradient spec to display. * Automatically re-renders the gauge for convenience. * @param {Object} arg The gradient spec to set display. */ set_spec({ gradient: spec, max }) { this.spec = spec; this.max = max; this.render(); } render() { let guage_size = { x: this.canvas.width * 0.6, y: this.canvas.height * 0.05, width: this.canvas.width * 0.3, height: this.canvas.height * 0.9 }; this.clear_canvas(); this.render_gauge(guage_size); this.render_labels(guage_size); } clear_canvas() { this.context.clearRect( 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height ); } render_gauge(guage_size) { this.context.save(); let gradient_spec = RenderGradient(this.spec, this.max); // console.log(gradient_spec); let gradient = this.context.createLinearGradient( 0, guage_size.y + guage_size.height, 0, guage_size.y ); for (let point in gradient_spec) gradient.addColorStop(parseFloat(point), gradient_spec[point]); this.context.fillStyle = gradient; this.context.fillRect( guage_size.x, guage_size.y, guage_size.width, guage_size.height ); this.context.restore(); } render_labels(guage_size) { this.context.save(); this.context.font = "12px Ubuntu, sans-serif"; this.context.textBaseline = "middle"; this.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; this.context.lineWidth = 1.5 * pixel_ratio; for (let point in this.spec) { let value = 1 - (parseFloat(point) / this.max); let text_width = this.context.measureText(point).width; let draw_x = guage_size.x - 5 - text_width; let draw_y = guage_size.y + (value * guage_size.height); // console.log(`Writing '${point}' to (${draw_x}, ${draw_y})`); this.context.fillText(point, draw_x, draw_y); this.context.beginPath(); this.context.moveTo(guage_size.x + guage_size.width, draw_y); this.context.lineTo(draw_x + text_width, draw_y); this.context.stroke(); } this.context.restore(); } } export default Gauge;