
namespace AirQuality;

use \SBRL\TomlConfig;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

 * Holds the main database connection.
class Database
	// Whether the database connection should be read only or not.
	// Defaults to true, as we don't need to write _anything_ to the database.
	private const read_only = true;
	private $connection;
	private $pdo_options = [
		// https://devdocs.io/php/pdo.setattribute
		\PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT			=> false
	function __construct(TomlConfig $in_settings) {
		error_log("Created database instance");
		$this->settings = $in_settings;
		$this->connect(); // Connect automagically
	public function connect() {
		$this->connection = new \PDO(
		// Make this connection read-only
			$this->connection->query("SET SESSION TRANSACTION READ ONLY;");
	public function query($sql, $variables = []) {
		// FUTURE: Optionally cache prepared statements?
		return $this->connection->prepare($sql)->execute($variables);
	private function get_connection_string() {
		return "{$this->settings->get("database.type")}:host={$this->settings->get("database.host")};dbname={$this->settings->get("database.name")};charset=utf8mb4";