"use strict"; // import CreateElement from 'dom-create-element-query-selector'; // We're using the git repo for now until an update is released, and rollup doesn't like that apparently import CreateElement from '../../node_modules/dom-create-element-query-selector/src/index.js'; import Chart from 'chart.js'; import GetFromUrl from './Helpers/GetFromUrl.mjs'; class DeviceReadingDisplay { get device_id() { return this._device_id; } set device_id(value) { this._device_id = value; this.update_display(); } constructor(in_config, in_device_id) { this.setup_display(); this.config = in_config; this._device_id = in_device_id; // We don't want to update until we have everything we need } setup_display() { this.display = CreateElement("div.chart-device-data", CreateElement("canvas.canvas-chart"), CreateElement("ul.reading-types") ); } set_reading_types(new_reading_types, starting_index) { this.reading_types = new_reading_types; this.selected_reading_type = this.reading_types[starting_index]; } async update_display() { let new_data = JSON.parse(await GetFromUrl(`${this.config.api_root}?action=`)) } } export default DeviceReadingDisplay;