diff --git a/build b/build index acbe42d..cb92814 100755 --- a/build +++ b/build @@ -294,15 +294,15 @@ task_deploy() { task_begin "Preparing upload"; subtask_begin "Creating temporary directory"; - temp_dir="$(mktemp -d --suffix "-rhinoreminds-upload")"; + temp_dir="$(mktemp -d --suffix "-air-quality-upload")"; subtask_end $? "Error: Failed to create temporary directory"; subtask_begin "Unpacking release files"; execute tar -xf "${ARCHIVE}/Air-Quality-Web.tar.gz" -C "${temp_dir}"; subtask_end $? "Failed to unpack release files"; - + rm -r "${temp_dir}/data"; # Delete the default data directory - there's one on the server already # Define the directory whose contents we want to upload - source_upload_dir="${temp_dir}/RhinoReminds-Release"; + source_upload_dir="${temp_dir}/"; task_end $?;