The server-side API is accessed through `api.php`, and supports a number of GET parameters. On the main production instance, this can be found [here](
The most important of these is the `action` parameter, Which determines what the API will do. The following values are supported:
`only-with-location`| bool | Optional. If present only devices with a defined location will be returned. Useful for getting a list of devices to place on a map.
`format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`.
`device-id` | int | Optional. If specified, this filters the list of measurement types to list only those reported by the device with the specified id.
`format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`.
`device-id` | int | The id of the device to get data for.
`reading-type` | string | The type of reading to obtain data for.
`start` | datetime | The starting datetime.
`end` | datetime | The ending datetime.
`average-seconds` | int | Optional. If specified, readings will be grouped into lumps of this many seconds and averaged. For example a value of 3600 (1 hour) will return 1 data point per hour, with the value of each point an average of all the readings for that hour.
`format` | string | Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: `json`, `csv`. Default: `json`.