
119 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

namespace AirQuality\Actions;
use \SBRL\TomlConfig;
use \SBRL\ResponseEncoder;
use \AirQuality\Repositories\IMeasurementDataRepository;
use \AirQuality\Repositories\IMeasurementTypeRepository;
use \AirQuality\ApiResponseSender;
use \AirQuality\Validator;
use \AirQuality\PerfFormatter;
class FetchData implements IAction {
/** @var TomlConfig */
private $settings;
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/** @var IMeasurementDataRepository */
private $measurement_repo;
/** @var IMeasurementTypeRepository */
private $type_repo;
/** @var ApiResponseSender */
private $sender;
/** @var Validator */
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private $validator;
public function __construct(
TomlConfig $in_settings,
IMeasurementDataRepository $in_measurement_repo,
IMeasurementTypeRepository $in_type_repo,
ApiResponseSender $in_sender) {
$this->settings = $in_settings;
$this->measurement_repo = $in_measurement_repo;
$this->type_repo = $in_type_repo;
$this->sender = $in_sender;
$this->validator = new Validator($_GET);
public function handle() : bool {
global $start_time;
$start_handle = microtime(true);
// 1: Validate params
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$this->validator->is_max_length("reading_type", 256);
$this->validator->is_preset_value("format", ["json", "csv"], 406);
2019-01-14 20:41:25 +00:00
$format = $_GET["format"] ?? "json";
$measurement_type_id = $this->type_repo->get_id($_GET["reading_type"]);
if($measurement_type_id == null) {
400, "Error: That reading type is invalid.", [
[ "x-time-taken", PerfFormatter::format_perf_data($start_time, $start_handle, null) ]
return false;
// 2: Pull data from database
$data = $this->measurement_repo->get_readings_by_date(
new \DateTime($_GET["datetime"]),
// 2.5: Validate data from database
if(empty($data)) {
"Error: No data could be found for that timestamp.",
[ PerfFormatter::format_perf_data($start_time, $start_handle, null) ]
return false;
// 3: Serialise data
$start_encode = microtime(true);
$response_type = "application/octet-stream";
$response_suggested_filename = "data-" . date(\DateTime::ATOM) . "";
$response = null;
switch($format) {
case "json":
$response_type = "application/json";
$response_suggested_filename .= ".json";
$response = json_encode($data);
case "csv":
$response_type = "text/csv";
$response_suggested_filename .= ".csv";
$response = ResponseEncoder::encode_csv($data);
// 4: Send response
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// Send a cache-control header, but only in production mode
if($this->settings->get("env.mode") == "production" && $_GET["datetime"] !== "now") {
header("cache-control: public, max-age=" . $this->settings->get("cache.max-age"));
header("content-type: $response_type");
header("content-length: " . strlen($response));
header("content-disposition: inline; filename=$response_suggested_filename");
header("x-time-taken: " . PerfFormatter::format_perf_data($start_time, $start_handle, $start_encode));
return true;