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mirror of https://github.com/ConnectedHumber/Air-Quality-Web synced 2025-03-15 22:44:56 +00:00

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"use strict";
import L from 'leaflet';
import 'leaflet.markercluster';
// import CreateElement from 'dom-create-element-query-selector';
// We're using the git repo for now until an update is released, and rollup doesn't like that apparently
import CreateElement from '../../node_modules/dom-create-element-query-selector/src/index.js';
import tabs from 'tabs';
2019-06-11 14:35:31 +00:00
import Emitter from 'event-emitter-es6';
import Config from './Config.mjs';
import DeviceReadingDisplay from './DeviceReadingDisplay.mjs';
import MarkerGenerator from './MarkerGenerator.mjs';
import GetFromUrl from './Helpers/GetFromUrl.mjs';
import { human_time_since } from './Helpers/DateHelper.mjs';
2019-06-11 14:35:31 +00:00
class LayerDeviceMarkers extends Emitter {
constructor(in_map_manager, in_device_data) {
2019-06-11 14:35:31 +00:00
this.map_manager = in_map_manager;
this.device_data = in_device_data;
this.marker_generator = new MarkerGenerator();
// Create a new clustering layer
this.layer = null;
* Performs initial setup of the device markers layer.
* @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the initial setup is complete
async setup() {
await this.update_markers(Config.default_reading_type, "now");
* Replaces all existing device markers (if any) with those for a given
* reading type and datetime.
* @param {string} reading_type The reading type to use to colour the markers.
* @param {String|Date} [datetime="now"] The datetime of the data to use to colour the markers (default: the special keyword "now", which indicates to fetch data for the current time)
* @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when the markers have been updated.
async update_markers(reading_type, datetime = "now") {
// 1: Remove the old layer, if present
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
if(this.layer !== null)
// 2: Create a new layer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
2019-06-10 23:43:11 +00:00
this.layer = L.markerClusterGroup({
// this.layer = L.layerGroup({
zoomToBoundsOnClick: false
// 3: Fetch the latest readings data
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
let device_values;
try {
device_values = await this.map_manager.readings_data.fetch(reading_type, datetime);
catch(error) {
device_values = new Map();
// 4: Add a marker for each device
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
let has_data = 0, has_no_data = 0, total = 0;
for (let device of this.device_data.devices) {
// If the device doesn't have a location, we're not interested
// FUTURE: We might be able to display mobile devices by adding additional logic here
if(typeof device.latitude != "number" || typeof device.longitude != "number")
console.log(`[LayerDeviceMarkers] id =`, device.id, `name =`, device.name, `location: (`, device.latitude, `,`, device.longitude, `)`);
if(device_values.has(device.id)) {
this.add_device_marker(device, reading_type, device_values.get(device.id).value);
console.log(`has value`);
else {
this.add_device_marker(device, "unknown");
console.log(`doesn't have value`);
console.log(`[LayerDeviceMarkers] has_data`, has_data, `has_no_data`, has_no_data, `total`, total);
// 5: Display the new layer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a single device marker with a given reading type and value.
* @param {Object} device The object representing the device to add.
* @param {string} reading_type The reading type to use when colouring the marker. The special "unknown" reading type causes a default blue marker to be shown (regardless of the value passed).
* @param {number} value The reading value to use when colouring the marker.
add_device_marker(device, reading_type, value) {
let icon;
if(reading_type !== "unknown") {
icon = L.divIcon({
className: "device-marker-icon",
html: this.marker_generator.marker(value, reading_type),
iconSize: L.point(17.418, 27.508),
iconAnchor: L.point(8.71, 27.16)
console.log(`[LayerDeviceMarkers/add_device_marker] got value`);
else {
icon = L.divIcon({
className: "device-marker-icon icon-unknown",
html: this.marker_generator.marker_default(),
iconSize: L.point(17.418, 27.508),
iconAnchor: L.point(8.71, 27.16)
console.log(`[LayerDeviceMarkers/add_device_marker] unknown value`);
// Create the marker
let marker = L.marker(
L.latLng(device.latitude, device.longitude),
{ // See https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.4.0.html#marker
title: `Device: ${device.name}`,
autoPan: true,
autoPanPadding: L.point(100, 100),
// Create the popup
let popup = L.popup({
className: "popup-device",
maxWidth: 640,
autoPanPadding: L.point(100, 100)
}).setContent("⌛ Loading..."); // TODO: Display a nice loading animation here
marker.on("popupopen", this.marker_popup_open_handler.bind(this, device.id));
async marker_popup_open_handler(device_id, event) {
if(typeof device_id !== "number")
2019-03-29 21:03:38 +00:00
throw new Error("Error: Invalid device id passed.");
2019-01-18 23:00:04 +00:00
console.info("Fetching device info for device", device_id);
let device_info = JSON.parse(await GetFromUrl(`${Config.api_root}?action=device-info&device-id=${device_id}`));
device_info.last_seen = new Date(`${device_info.last_seen}+0000`); // Force parsing as UTC
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
device_info.location = [ device_info.latitude, device_info.longitude ];
delete device_info.latitude;
delete device_info.longitude;
2019-06-11 14:35:31 +00:00
render_device_info(device_info) {
let result = document.createDocumentFragment();
// ----------------------------------
`Device: ${device_info.name}`
result.querySelector(".device-name").dataset.id = device_info.id;
result.querySelector(".device-name").dataset.last_seen = device_info.last_seen;
result.querySelector(".device-name").dataset.minutes_ago = human_time_since(device_info.last_seen);
// ----------------------------------
2019-01-26 17:06:30 +00:00
// Select a tab by default
window.location = "#tab-data";
let tabContainer = CreateElement("div.tab-container",
CreateElement("li", CreateElement("a.tab", "Info")),
CreateElement("li", CreateElement("a.tab.active", "Data"))
// The tab pane for the graph is added dynamically below
// ----------------------------------
let params_container = tabContainer.querySelector(".device-params");
let info_list = [];
for(let property in device_info) {
// Filter out properties we're handling specially
if(["id", "name", "other"].includes(property)) continue;
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
// Ensure the property is a string - giving special handling to
// some property values
let value = device_info[property];
if(typeof value == "undefined" || value === null)
value = "(not specified)";
// If the value isn't a string, but is still 'truthy'
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
if(typeof value != "string") {
switch(property) {
case "location":
value = `(${value[0]}, ${value[1]})`;
case "sensors":
value = CreateElement("table",
...value.map((sensor) => CreateElement("tr",
CreateElement("td", sensor.type),
CreateElement("td", sensor.description)
default: value = value.toString(); break;
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
CreateElement("th.name", property.split("_").map((word) => word[0].toUpperCase()+word.slice(1)).join(" ")),
CreateElement("td.value", value)
CreateElement("table.device-property-table", ...info_list)
CreateElement("em", device_info.other || "")
2019-01-18 22:59:57 +00:00
// ----------------------------------
let chart_device_data = new DeviceReadingDisplay(Config, device_info.id);
chart_device_data.setup("PM25").then(() =>
console.info("[layer/markers] Device chart setup complete!")
chart_device_data.display.classList.add("tab-pane", "active");
// ----------------------------------
return result;
export default LayerDeviceMarkers;