# (Wandering) Sandpiper > A simple PHP + XML + XSLT + CSS3 powered error reporting and collation system. ## Installation - Clone this repository - Setup Nginx and PHP-FPM to serve from the root of this repository - Make sure that: - The `data/` directory, when it's created upon the submission of the first error report, is writeable - `settings.toml` isn't accessible form the web - A password is on the `data/` subdirectory, if desired - PUT requests are suitably rate limited. - Create `settings.toml`, basing it's contents on `default_settings.toml` ## Usage ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Simply send a patch file to me, or a PR if I get around ot moving this to GitHub. The license of contributions muse be compatible with the license of this repository, of course. ## Todo - Figure out a clever solution to stop (theoretical) spam - Do some more thought experiments to identify any (more) potential vulnerabilities / problems - Figure out a way to allow collected stack traces to be deleted - Perhaps write a stack trace parser to figure out which file an error has ocurred in - Add more to this list as I use it for real ## License Sandpiper is licensed under the _Mozilla Public License 2.0_. The full text can be found in the _LICENSE_ file in the root of this repository.