, e.g. xslt support) * * Allow customisation of the characters used for indentation * Allow customisation of the newline character(s) */ class SimpleXmlWriter { /* * * Constants * */ //the XML doctype const xml_doctype = ''; //the generator information const generator_info = ""; /* * * Properties * */ //whether we should prettyprint the xml - remember to set this first! public $prettyprint = true; //the currently generated XML - don't reference this directly as it may have unclosed tags and therefore invalid XML protected $xml = ""; //the currently open tags protected $opentags = []; /* * * Functions * */ //begin constructing XMl protected function start() { $this->add($this::xml_doctype); $this->add($this::generator_info); } public function add_xslt($uri = "") { $this->add(""); } //open a tag public function open($tagname = "root", $attributes = []) { $attrtext = ""; foreach($attributes as $name => $value) $attrtext .= "$name=\"$value\" "; $attrtext = " " . trim($attrtext); if(strlen($attrtext) === 1) $attrtext = ""; $this->add("<$tagname$attrtext>"); $this->opentags[] = $tagname; //add the tag name to the list of currently open tags } //add some plain text public function addtext($text = "", $newline = true) { $this->add($text, $newline); } //close a tag public function close() { $this->add("opentags) . ">"); } //close all open tags public function closeall() { while(count($this->opentags) > 0) { $this->close(); } } //shortcut to add a whole tag public function addtag($tagname = "root", $attributes = [], $text = "") { $attrtext = ""; foreach($attributes as $name => $value) $attrtext .= "$name=\"$value\" "; $attrtext = " " . trim($attrtext); if(strlen($attrtext) === 1) $attrtext = ""; $this->add("<$tagname$attrtext>$text"); } //add a comment public function addcomment($text = "") { $this->add(""); } //get a rendered version of the currently generated XML public function render() { $result = $this->xml; $revopentags = array_reverse($this->opentags); foreach($revopentags as $tagname) { if($this->prettyprint) $result .= str_repeat("\t", count($revopentags)) . "\n"; else $result .= ""; } return $result; } //get the appropriate number of tab characters for indentation purposes protected function getindent() { return str_repeat("\t", count($this->opentags)); } //function to add to the rendered XML string protected function add($text = "", $newline = true) { if($newline and $this->prettyprint) $this->xml .= $this->getindent(); $this->xml .= $text; if($newline and $this->prettyprint) $this->xml .= "\n"; } public function __toString() { return $this->render(); } /* * * Constuctor * */ function __construct() { $this->start(); } } if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])) { //we were not included $xml = new simplexmlwriter(); $xml->add_xslt("https://example.com/test.xslt"); $xml->open("root"); $xml->addcomment("- ------------------------------ -"); $xml->addcomment("- -- simplexmlwriter.php test -- -"); $xml->addcomment("- ------------------------------ -"); foreach(range(1, 10) as $i) { $xml->open("number"); $xml->addtag("type", [], "integer"); $xml->open("value"); $xml->addtext($i); $xml->close(); $xml->close(); } $xml->closeall(); header("content-type: application/xml"); echo($xml->render()); } ?>